التداول مع مزدوجة البولنجر باندز.
وينقسم لدينا بالطبع على البولنجر مزدوجة البولنجر (دب's) في عدة دروس. دبس هي تباين قوي على معيار واحد بولينجر باند، لأنها يمكن أن تقول لنا أكثر من ذلك بكثير عن الزخم، وبالتالي قوة الاتجاه، سواء في الأسواق المسطحة بقوة وتتجه.
مزدوجة بولينجر باندز هي 2 مجموعات من بس، وذلك باستخدام الإعدادات الافتراضية تعيين في المعتاد 2 الانحراف المعياري المسافة فوق وتحت خط 20 المتوسط المتوسط بسيط بسيط في الوسط، فضلا عن مجموعة ثانية من بس رسمت فقط 1 الانحراف المعياري فوق وتحت أن المتوسط المتحرك المتوسط.
يمكن للمتداولين القيام، بالقيام به، مع نوع ومدة المتوسط المتحرك وعدد الانحرافات المعيارية.
تخلق المجموعتان من فرق بولينجر ثلاث مناطق وسوف نتحدث عن كل منطقة وما تعنيه صلة موقف حركة الأسعار. سنشرح القواعد الأربعة المرتبطة بهذه المناطق، وكيفية متابعتها من أجل تحقيق الربح بشكل مربح.
7.1 دبس - التعريف والبناء.
في درس سابق، تعلمنا عن بولينجر باندز كمؤشر يمكن أن يكون مفيدا في الأسواق المسطحة أو التي تتجه بلطف، ولكن ليس خلال الاتجاهات القوية. الآن سوف نتعلم عن مزدوجة البولنجر باندز (دبس).
مزدوجة بولينجر باندز هي تباين قوي على معيار واحد بولينجر باند، لأنها تخبرنا أكثر بكثير عن الزخم، وبالتالي قوة الاتجاه، سواء في الأسواق شقة وتتجه بقوة.
هذا الدرس سوف يظهر أنه على عكس بولينجر باندز القياسية، مزدوجة بولينجر باند مفيدة للغاية في الأسواق تتجه بقوة، لأنها تساعدنا على تحديد أفضل الزخم الحقيقي يظهر في عمل السعر شمعدان.
تقدم الدرس 0٪
7.2 دبس - ثلاث مناطق، ثلاث قواعد.
كما أشرنا بالفعل، مجموعتين من البولنجر مزدوجة البولنجر إنشاء ثلاث مناطق: منطقة بيع، منطقة شراء، ومنطقة محايدة. في هذا الدرس، سنعرض كيف تتحرك الأسعار داخل هذه المناطق وما يمكن أن تعنيه هذه التحركات للتاجر.
عند استخدام مؤشر دوبل بولينجر باند، من الضروري اتباع القواعد الثلاثة المبينة في هذا الدرس.
تقدم الدرس 0٪
7.3 قواعد دب - 4 قواعد، القواعد 1 و 2.
في هذا الدرس نقدم شرحا مفصلا عن القواعد المطلوبة كأساس للاستفادة من استراتيجية التداول مزدوجة بولينجر باندز بنجاح. سنعرض كيفية تطبيق القواعد رقم 1 & أمب؛ # 2 إلى مفهوم المنطقة 3 تعلمناه سابقا.
تقدم الدرس 0٪
7.4 دبس - 4 قواعد، القاعدة 3.
في هذا الدرس نحن الخطوط العريضة القاعدة 3 من استراتيجية التداول مزدوجة بولينجر باندز. عندما بدأ تحرك السعر في الاستقرار داخل المنطقة المحايدة، هذا إشارة للخروج من أي الصفقات التي ركوب الاتجاه الحالي صعودا أو هبوطا، لأن هذا الاتجاه يظهر الآن الضعف.
ليس هناك ما يكفي من الزخم صعودا أو هبوطا بالنسبة لنا أن يكون الثقة في الاتجاه الصعودي أو الاتجاه الهبوطي المستمر، لذلك حان الوقت هنا للتفكير في الخروج وربما الاستفادة من استراتيجية التداول على أساس مجموعة بدلا من ذلك.
تقدم الدرس 0٪
7.5 قواعد دبس - 4، القاعدة 4.
هذا الدرس يستعرض القاعدة 4 من قواعد استراتيجية التداول دب. وتحاول القاعدة 4 الحد من مخاطر الشراء في الأعلى أو البيع في القاع الذي يأتي بمطاردة اتجاه قوي أحرز بالفعل تقدما كبيرا وربما يقترب من مقاومة كبيرة أو (إذا كان قد كسر أعلى مستوياته التاريخية أو أدنى مستوياته).
تقدم الدرس 0٪
تنويه المخاطر: لن تتحمل شركة فكس أكاديمي المسؤولية عن أي خسارة أو ضرر ناتج عن الاعتماد على المعلومات الواردة في هذا الموقع بما في ذلك أخبار السوق والتحليل وإشارات التداول واستعراضات وسيط الفوركس. البيانات الواردة في هذا الموقع ليست بالضرورة في الوقت الحقيقي ولا دقيقة، والتحليلات هي آراء المؤلف ولا تمثل توصيات أكاديمية الفوركس أو موظفيها. ينطوي تداول العملة على الهامش على مخاطر عالية، وهو غير مناسب لجميع المستثمرين. وبما أن خسائر المنتج المرتفع يمكن أن تتجاوز الودائع الأولية ورأس المال في خطر. قبل اتخاذ قرار بتداول الفوركس أو أي أداة مالية أخرى، يجب عليك التفكير بعناية في أهدافك الاستثمارية ومستوى خبرتك ومدى تقبلك للمخاطر.
دليل معقول إلى الفوركس.
كيفية تحقيق تنويع العملات من أجل انخفاض المخاطر وعوائد أفضل إما عن طريق التداول الآمن أو المحافظ النقد الأجنبي أو العملات المتنوعة الدخل الاستثمار. التخطيط السري للتقاعد العظيم سهل: إذا كنت تحصل على آمنة، وارتفاع أرباح في العملة التي ترتفع، ثم لا داعي للقلق حول الأسواق المتقلبة أو أسعار الفائدة المنخفضة التي سوف تقتل المدخرات والمعاشات التقاعدية الخاصة بك. مصدر للحلول.
4 قواعد استخدام البولنجر مزدوجة البولنجر، المؤشر الفني الأكثر فائدة الجزء 1.
الجزء 1 هو مقدمة لأشرطة بولينجر مزدوجة، الجزء 2 هو استمرار الذي يقدم قواعد محددة وأمثلة، الجزء 3 (قريبا) هو ملخص سريع.
هذا هو جزء من سلسلة فكسيمبير المستمرة من الميزات الخاصة على التعليم التاجر، ويوفر أساسا متينا لفهم البولنجر مزدوجة العصابات. للحصول على تغطية وأمثلة أكثر تفصيلا، راجع الفصل 8 من الكتاب، الدليل الحساس لفوركس.
ويمكن القول إن البولينجر باندز المزدوج (دبس) هو المؤشر الفني الوحيد الأكثر فائدة. على الرغم من أنك يجب أن لا تعتمد على مؤشر واحد فقط، دبس هي من بين المؤشرات الأولى التي ينبغي للمرء أن تحقق. يقولون لنا:
عندما يكون االتجاه قويا بما فيه الكفاية لمواصلة الركوب أو الدخول إلى مراكز جديدة حتى لو كان قد استمر لفترة طويلة، حتى عند أعلى مستوياته أو مستوياته التاريخية، حيث ال توجد نقاط دعم أو مقاومة) s / r (تشير إليها. عندما لا يكون هناك اتجاه واضح وتحتاج إلى إما الوقوف جانبا أو التحول من نظام الاتجاه إلى نظام التداول نطاق. عندما الوقت & # 8217؛ s لاتخاذ الأرباح أو للحصول على استعداد للتداول عكس.
لم يكن لديك لاتخاذ كلمتي لذلك.
في كتابها، الكتاب الصغير لتداول العملات، يكتب المحلل الصاعد ستار فوريكس كاثي لين:
من بين مئات المؤشرات الفنية هناك، مزدوجة البولنجر العصابات هي أيدي أسفل المفضلة ... أنها توفر ثروة من المعلومات قابلة للتنفيذ. يقولون لي ما إذا كان زوج العملات في اتجاه أو نطاق، واتجاه الاتجاه، وعندما يكون الاتجاه قد استنفدت. الأهم من ذلك، بولينجر باندز أيضا تحديد نقاط الدخول والأماكن المناسبة لوضع وقف.
في حين تشير السيدة ليان أعلاه إلى تداول العملات، مثل معظم المؤشرات الفنية، يمكن تطبيق دبس على التحليل الفني لأي الأصول المتداولة بنشاط المتداولة في الأسواق الكبيرة السائلة مثل الأسهم والسلع والسندات، الخ.
لإنشاءها على المخطط:
أولا إدراج مجموعة قياسية من البولنجر باندز: حدد الخيار بولينجر باند من القائمة الخاصة بك من المؤشرات وللإعدادات الخاصة بك حدد 2 الانحرافات القياسية و 20 فترات. وهذا يعني أنك قد اخترت متوسطا متحركا بسيطا لمدة 20 يوما (سما) وخطان أو فرق بولينجر تتحرك خطوة القفل معها، على مسافة انحرافين معياريين. ثم، إدراج مجموعة ثانية من البولنجر العصابات: كرر العملية المذكورة أعلاه، والفرق الوحيد هو أن قمت بتحديد 1 مسافة الانحراف المعياري من الخاص بك 20 فترة سما. استشر قائمة المساعدة في قائمة المخططات & # 8217؛ إذا كانت العملية غير واضحة.
ولأولئك الذين ليس لديهم خلفية إحصائية، يعرفون فقط أن لأغراض الانحراف المعياري، فإن الانحرافات المعيارية تعمل بوحدات المسافة عن المتوسط المتحرك البسيط لمدة 20 يوما، وهو الخط المركزي بين دبس الأربعة وبالتالي خط الأساس تحديد موقع 1 و 2 الانحراف المعياري البولنجر العصابات. إذا كنت تريد أن تعرف لمعرفة المزيد عنها، يمكنك إما البحث في التفاصيل على الانترنت، أو العثور على مزيد من التفسيرات في كتابي في الفصول 4 و 8.
راجع الرسم البياني 1 أدناه للحصول على مثال لما تبدو عليه دبس.
رسم بياني 1: الرسم البياني الشهري للذهب من يوليو 2005 إلى ديسمبر 2018.
المصدر: الدليل الحساس لفوركس (p.228)، ميتاكوتس سوفتوار كورب (fig8.2)
ويبين الشكل 1 مثالا لما تبدو عليه دبس. إليك شرح لكل سطر.
A1: خط بب العلوي (بولينجر باند) الذي هو انحرافان معياريان عن الخط C، المتوسط المتحرك البسيط لمدة 20 (سما). B1: خط بب العلوي الذي هو انحراف معياري واحد عن سما 20 فترة. C: 20 سما الفترة. الشكل 8.2 هو الرسم البياني الأسبوعي، لذلك هذا هو سما 20 أسبوعا. مرة أخرى، هذا هو كل من مركز دبس وخط الأساس لتحديد موقع النطاقات الأخرى. B2: انخفاض خط بب وهو انحراف معياري واحد عن سما 20 فترة. A2: انخفاض خط بب هذا هو اثنين من الانحرافات القياسية من سما فترة 20.
وباختصار، فإن ببس الأصفر مثال على الإعداد الافتراضي "(2،20) الافتراضي" ببس الأكثر شيوعا، وهذا يعني أن ببس هي 2 الانحرافات المعيارية 'المسافة من المتوسط المتحرك بسيط 20 فترة (سما). إعدادات بب الأحمر هي (1، 20)، 1 الانحراف المعياري نفس الفترة 20 سما، الذي يظهر هنا باللون الأرجواني.
لاحظ كيف تشكل هذه العصابات أربع مناطق منفصلة.
منطقة الشراء بين الخطين A1 و B1. المنطقة المحايدة 1 بين الخطين B1 و C. المنطقة المحايدة 2 بين الخطين C و B2. منطقة البيع بين الخطوط B2 و A2.
ما لم يذكر خلاف ذلك نحن نعامل كل من المناطق المحايدة كما واحد، ودعا المنطقة المحايدة.
وهي المناطق التي توفر المعلومات المضافة حول قوة الاتجاه، وما إذا كان لا يزال لديه الزخم للمتابعة، وحيث أننا قد نحاول الدخول في الصفقات، حتى إذا لم يكن هناك دعم أو مقاومة أخرى (ق / ص) ) لتكون نقطة مرجعية، كما كان الحال مع الذهب خلال معظم الفترة المشمولة، عندما ذهب الذهب باستمرار مستويات قياسية جديدة.
كما ترون من الرسم البياني 1، دبس إنشاء أربع مناطق حول تلك الفترة 20 سما. ومع ذلك نحن الجمع بين المنطقتين الوسطى والتركيز على ثلاث مناطق: الربع العلوي، النصف الأوسط، والربع السفلي.
منطقة شراء دب: عندما يكون السعر ضمن هذه المنطقة العليا (بين الخطين العلويين A1 و B1)، فإن هذا يعني أن الاتجاه الصعودي قوي ولديه احتمال أكبر بالاستمرار. طالما استمرت الشموع تغلق في هذه المنطقة العلوية، والاحتمالات لصالح الحفاظ على مراكز طويلة الحالية أو حتى فتح جديدة. منطقة بيع دب: عندما يكون السعر في المنطقة السفلى (بين الخطين الأدنى، A2 و B2)، فمن المرجح أن يستمر الاتجاه الهبوطي. وهذا يشير إلى أنه طالما أن الشموع قريبة في هذه المنطقة الدنيا، ينبغي للمرء أن يحافظ على المراكز القصيرة الحالية أو حتى فتح جديدة.
أدناه سوف نناقش أفضل الأوقات لفتح مواقف إضافية عندما تكون في دب شراء أو بيع المنطقة.
المنطقة المحايدة دب: عندما يكون السعر ضمن المنطقة المحصورة بنطاق انحراف معياري واحد (B1 و B2)، لا يوجد اتجاه قوي، ومن المرجح أن يتذبذب السعر ضمن نطاق تداول لأن الزخم لم يعد قويا بما فيه الكفاية بالنسبة لنا للثقة الاتجاه. المتوسط المتحرك البسيط لمدة 20 يوما (C) الذي يشكل خط الأساس لبولينجر باندز هو في وسط هذه المنطقة.
أيا كان سعر المنطقة في سيشير إلى ما إذا كان يجب أن تكون:
التداول في اتجاه الاتجاه، طويلة أو قصيرة، اعتمادا على ما إذا كان الاتجاه صعودا أو هبوطا. في الأساس، إذا كان السعر في المنطقة العليا نذهب طويلا، إذا كان في المنطقة السفلى نذهب قصيرة. الامتناع عن التداول إذا كنت تاجر الاتجاه النقي، أو التجارة على المدى القصير الاتجاهات داخل نطاق التداول السائد. هذه هي الإشارة الأساسية إذا كان السعر في الربعين الوسطيين.
هذا هو أبسط ملخص، ومع ذلك هناك الكثير أكثر إلى إشارات دب من ذلك، كما سنناقش أدناه.
عند فتح أو إغلاق موضع: تأكيد التحرك بين المناطق.
نجاحك مع دبس سوف تعتمد إلى حد كبير على كيفية الرد عندما يتحول السعر بين المناطق الثلاث. كما هو الحال مع أي مؤشر تقني، فإن السؤال الرئيسي هو: كم تأكيد تغيير الاتجاه هل تنتظر قبل أن تفتح موقف جديد؟
كما هو الحال دائما، عندما يرسل مؤشر إشارة، ونحن نسعى نوعا من تأكيد قبل التداول. من الواضح أننا عادة لا تجعل القرارات التجارية على أول القراد أو إغلاق شمعة إلى منطقة جديدة، على الأقل ليس مع أكثر من جزء من موقفنا المخطط الكلي.
تماما مثل التجار بحاجة إلى تأكيد إشارات لتجنب الخداع من قبل اختراقات كاذبة مؤقتة وراء الدعم أو المقاومة، وهنا أيضا نحن بحاجة إلى طرق للتمييز بين التغييرات الاتجاه الكاذب والحقيقية، بين التحركات قصيرة الأجل والمستدامة إلى مناطق مختلفة يمكن أن تستمر لفترة طويلة وهو ما يكفي لتجارة مربحة.
كيف تفعل ذلك؟
للأسف ليس هناك إجابة واحدة.
يمكنك ببساطة تطبيق نفس المعايير التي تستخدمها لتأكيد الاختراقات خارج نطاق الدعم أو المقاومة للأصل والإطار الزمني المحدد.
قد تجد من الخبرة التي تحتاج إلى ضبط تلك المعايير لتأكيد التحركات بين مناطق دب.
على سبيل المثال، يمكنك استخدام أي مزيج مما يلي:
واحد إلى ثلاثة شموع إغلاق في منطقة جديدة يؤكد أن هذه الخطوة حقيقية. ما سبق، جنبا إلى جنب مع سعر ضرب مستوى معين. على سبيل المثال، انهيار الماضي وقف الخسارة المختار ليأخذك من موقف، أو كسر على الرغم من منطقة مقاومة معينة لتحريك فتح موقف جديد. متوسط كروس متحرك يؤكد أن الزخم قد تحول. علی سبیل المثال، یشیر تقاطع سما لمدة 10 أیام فوق فترة 20 أو 50 سما إلی زیادة الزخم وسیساعد علی تأکید التحرك إلی منطقة الشراء. إن التكرار المعاكس، وهو أسرع تقاطع سما أدنى من 50 فترة سما، قد يكون تأكيدك للانتقال إلى منطقة بيع دب السفلي، وأن الوقت قد حان لفتح مراكز بيع جديدة. قد يسبب لك حدث رئيسي يتحرك في أخبار الأخبار تقليم أو إغلاق موقع حتى قبل أن يكون لديك تأكيد فني كامل. انظر القسم الخاص بالقاعدة 3 أدناه للحصول على مثال. بعض الإشارات الهامة الأخرى، مثل التحرك فوق أو أسفل مستوى تصحيح فيبوناتشي.
كما هو الحال مع أي قرار لفتح موقف جديد، كنت دائما موازنة بين المخاطر والمكافأة: وبعبارة أخرى:
كلما قل التأكيد الذي تنتظره عندما يتحرك السعر إلى منطقة دب جديدة، كلما فتحت أو أغلقت موضعا أسرع، وهكذا: كلما زاد احتمال خداعك بخطوة كاذبة تتراجع قريبا، وتحدث عن خسارة في التداول. وكلما ارتفعت المكافأة من حقك لأنك حصلت في وقت أقرب ولديك المزيد من الوقت لركوب هذه الخطوة، لذلك، الربح الخاص بك هو أكبر. على العكس من ذلك، والمزيد من التأكيد الذي تنتظره، وانخفاض الربح الخاص بك لأنك تحصل في وقت لاحق، ولكن أقل من خطر اصطياد خطوة كاذبة والتجارة خاسرة.
يعتمد الرصيد الذي يناسبك على كل من تقلب األصل، والتسامح الشخصي للمخاطر، وغيرها من الضمانات المتعلقة بإدارة المخاطر والمال لديك بالفعل والتي تحدد الضرر الذي تعاني منه من خسارة معينة. للحصول على تفاصيل مكثفة حول إدارة المخاطر والمال، فضلا عن أمثلة لكيفية تطبيق هذه الأدوات في الصفقات الفعلية، راجع الفصلين 5 و 7 من الدليل الحساس لفوركس.
سيكون لدينا المزيد حول الحصول على تأكيد في الجزء 2.
وباختصار، فإن دبس تساعدنا على تحديد متى يجب أن نتعامل مع اتجاه أو نطاق تداول أو الامتناع عن التداول.
عندما يكون الزوج في منطقة الشراء أو البيع (أعلى خط واحد من الانحراف المعياري أو أسفل خط الانحراف المعياري السفلي)، لدينا اتجاه قوي بما فيه الكفاية لمواصلة التداول؛ من المحتمل أن لا يتأخر بعد في الوصول، على الرغم من أنه من الأفضل أن تنتظر الاتجاه إلى التراجع إلى خط الانحراف المعياري الأول، ومن الناحية المثالية ينتظر أن يبدأ في الارتداد مرة أخرى في اتجاه الاتجاه الصعودي أو الهبوطي . المزيد عن ذلك أدناه. عندما يكون الزوج داخل المنطقة المحايدة (بين خطوط الانحراف المعياري الواحد)، لا يوجد اتجاه موثوق به. بدلا من ذلك، نحن في نطاق التداول. ويجب على أولئك الذين يتاجرون بالاتجاهات القوية فقط أن يمتنعوا عن التداول. حتى لو كان الاتجاه على المدى الطويل لا يزال سليما بشكل واضح (كما هو الحال مع الشمعة النهائية في الرسم البياني 1 أعلاه) فإن الاتجاه يفتقر إلى الزخم التصاعدي بما فيه الكفاية بالنسبة لنا أن نفترض أنها ستستمر قريبا. وبالنسبة لمتداولي الاتجاه، فإن فرص تحقيق مكاسب أخرى منخفضة جدا، كما أن فرص حدوث انعكاس مرتفعة جدا. إن التحرك الأقل خطورة، وارتفاع المكافأة هو الامتناع عن التداول حتى يتحرك السعر في منطقة الشراء أو البيع (لدينا اتجاه جدير بالثقة) أو التحول إلى استراتيجية تداول نطاق. أولئك الذين يرغبون في التداول ضمن نطاق تداول ثابت يجب أن يتحولوا إلى استراتيجيات وأنظمة للتداول مستبعد من القنوات العلوية والسفلية.
العثور على حرية الوصول إلى الرسوم البيانية التي تقدم دبس.
لاحظ أنه إذا كنت بدأت للتو مع استخدام الرسوم البيانية وليس لديها حتى الآن حساب الوساطة التي توفر كامل رسم الخرائط البرمجيات، وإيجاد الرسوم البيانية الحرة التي تقدم دبس ليست سهلة.
البوابات المالية الأكثر شعبية مثل ياهو المالية وما شابه ذلك تسمح عادة مجموعة واحدة من البولنجر العصابات. فعلت بحث سريع ووجدت فقط 2 مواقع المحتوى الفوركس التي تقدم الرسوم البيانية الحرة التي تسمح لك لإدراج مجموعات متعددة من البولنجر مزدوجة العصابات في أي إعدادات تختارها.
لم تكن سيئة، ولكن لا تتطابق مع سهولة الاستخدام أو العديد من الميزات المفيدة من حزم الرسوم البيانية الكاملة. حتى إذا لم يكن لديك بالفعل الوصول إلى منصة كاملة الرسم البياني المميز، أقترح بشدة الاشتراك للحصول على حساب ممارسة على الأقل مع وسيط الذي يقدم MT4 أو حزمة الرسوم البيانية قوية مماثلة.
حسنا، كانت هذه الخلفية. انتقل إلى الجزء 2 للقواعد 4 لاستخدام دبس وأمثلة على كيفية تطبيقها. أولئك الذين يسعون فقط ملخص موجز سوف تجد واحدة في الجزء 3 (يأتي في أيام) - مجرد القواعد الأساسية والرسوم البيانية التوضيح.
لإضافتك إلى قائمة توزيع البريد الإلكتروني من كليف، فقط انقر هنا، وترك اسمك وعنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك، وطلب أن تكون على القائمة البريدية للتنبيهات من الوظائف في المستقبل.
الإفصاح / إخلاء المسؤولية: ما سبق هو للأغراض المعلوماتية فقط، والمسؤولية عن جميع التداول أو القرارات الاستثمارية يقتصر فقط مع القارئ.
شارك هذا:
ذات صلة.
آخر الملاحة.
ترك الرد إلغاء الرد.
يجب أن تكون مسجلا للدخول لتكتب تعليق.
شراء الكتاب.
المشاركات الاخيرة.
البحث عن تيارات السوق ألفا.
حسابي تويتر.
خطأ: لم يرد تويتر. يرجى الانتظار بضع دقائق وتحديث هذه الصفحة.
استراتيجية بولينجر باند المزدوجة لتداول الفوركس.
مزدوجة بولينجر العصابات الاستراتيجية هي استراتيجية التداول الميكانيكية. وهذا يعني أنه لا يحتاج إلى تحليل و إنتيربنيتراتيون أن تقرر ما إذا كان الإعداد التجارة شكلت قوية بما فيه الكفاية لدخول السوق، أو أنها ضعيفة وكنت أفضل من تخطي ذلك والانتظار لأفضل واحد. وهي إما سوداء أو بيضاء. وهذا يعني إما تشكيل التجارة التي تعني أنك يجب أن تدخل السوق، أو لا يوجد أي إعداد التجارة على الإطلاق.
هذا النظام التجاري الميكانيكي جيد لأولئك الذين ليس لديهم الصبر والمعرفة لتحليل الأسواق وتحديد الاجهزة التجارية على أساس التحليل الفني أو إشارات الشمعدان. انها فقط يقول لهم لدخول السوق أو البقاء خارج. لذلك، في بعض الأحيان يمكن أن يكون معدل نجاح منخفض جدا خصيصا في بعض أشهر بسبب تغير ظروف الأسواق ونظام التداول الميكانيكي يمكن أن تستخدم كأداة موثوق بها لتداول أي سوق في أي وقت. هذا هو ما يجب أن نلاحظ إذا كنت ترغب في استخدام هذه الأنظمة التجارية.
السبب في أنني أشارك هذا النظام هنا هو أن بعض الناس يسألون دائما عن ذلك. وقد تم إدخال هذا النظام لتجار الفوركس باعتباره نظام التداول النهائي الذي يجعل المال بالنسبة لهم باستمرار. أريد فقط أن أوضح أنه ليس الكأس المقدسة، ولأنه ميكانيكي، فإنه يمكن أن تولد خسائر متتالية في بعض الأحيان.
إرسال البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك لتلقي الكتاب الاليكتروني لدينا مجانا.
هذا الكتاب الإلكتروني يظهر لك أقصر الطرق للحصول على الأغنياء وخالية من الناحية المالية:
ما هي استراتيجية التداول المزدوج بولينجر باندز؟
هذه الاستراتيجية التجارية التي تسمى & # 8220؛ مزدوجة بولينجر باندز & # 8221؛ أو دب، هو بسيط جدا، لأنه على الرغم من أنك تستخدم الشمعدانات في هذا النظام، كنت لا & # 8217؛ ر يجب أن تكون قلقة بشأن أنماط الشمعدان. لا يجب أن تعرف أنماط الشموع الضعيفة والقوية وتميزها عن بعضها البعض. لا يجب أن تعرف أي شيء عن التحليل الفني والتقنيات المعقدة الأخرى.
على الرغم من مثل هذه البساطة، يمكن لهذا النظام التجاري توليد المزيد من الاجهزة التجارية، في حين كنت لا تنفق أي وقت إضافي على جهاز الكمبيوتر. كنت مجرد التحقق من الرسوم البيانية اليومية لبضع دقائق في اليوم الواحد، إذا كان هناك أي الاجهزة التجارية على أساس هذا النظام، يمكنك اتخاذ مواقف، تعيين وقف الخسارة والهدف أوامر، ويعود في اليوم التالي. لذلك، هذا النظام التجاري هو جيد بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يحبون أن تأخذ بعض المواقف كل يوم، ويمكن & # 8217؛ ر التعامل مع يوم أو بضعة أيام من عدم وجود أي إعداد التجارة. ومع ذلك، عليك أن تنظر بقوة أن وجود المزيد من الاجهزة التجارية واتخاذ المزيد من المواقف لا يعني بالضرورة المزيد من الأرباح. في معظم الحالات يعني المزيد من الخسائر.
لا يجب أن تنفق أي وقت إضافي وطاقة لمتابعة هذا النظام. ليس لديك لإدارة المواقف الخاصة بك أيضا. وهو نظام تجاري ميكانيكي تماما، مما يعني أنه إما أبيض أو أسود، وأنه لا يحتاج إلى أي تحليل وتفسير. هناك إما إعداد التجارة على الرسم البياني، لذلك كنت تأخذ موقفكم، أو لا يوجد أي إعداد التجارة، وهكذا يمكنك التحقق من الرسم البياني في اليوم التالي. لا يتعين عليك تحليل واستشارة أطر زمنية ومؤشرات وخطوط & # 8230 مختلفة؛ لتقرر ما إذا كان يجب عليك الذهاب لإعداد التجارة أو كنت أفضل لتخطي لأنه ليس إعدادا تجاريا قويا. انها ليست مثل ذلك على الإطلاق. هناك شرطين فقط: (1) هناك إعداد التجارة شكلت على الرسم البياني، بحيث كنت أعتبر، و (2) لا يوجد إعداد التجارة على الرسم البياني، بحيث يمكنك التحقق من ذلك مرة أخرى في اليوم التالي. فإنه لا يفعل & # 8217؛ ر يأخذك أكثر من بضع ثوان للتحقق من كل مخطط ومعرفة ما إذا كان هناك أي إعداد التجارة شكلت بالفعل أم لا.
كيف تعمل استراتيجية بولينجر باند مزدوجة؟
كل ما عليك القيام به هو إضافة مجموعتين من مؤشر البولنجر العصابات. هذا هو السبب في هذا النظام التجاري يسمى & # 8220؛ مزدوجة بولينجر باندز استراتيجية التداول & # 8221؛.
استخدام الإعدادات الافتراضية لأول بولينجر باندز:
في هذه المقالة، أشير إلى هذا مؤشر بولينجر باند كما BB2، لأنه يتم تعيين الانحرافات إلى 2.
ذي & # 8220؛ ديفياتيونس & # 8221؛ من مؤشر بب الثاني، يجب أن توضع على 1:
في هذه المقالة، أشير إلى هذه المؤشرات بولينجر باند كما BB1، لأنه يتم تعيين الانحرافات إلى 1.
وبالتالي فإن الفرق الوحيد من هذين البولينجر باند في إعدادات الانحرافات. يتم تعيين أول واحد إلى 2 ويتم تعيين الثاني إلى 1.
هذا هو كل ما عليك أن يكون على الرسوم البيانية الخاصة بك. بعد إضافة مؤشرات بب، يجب أن يظهر المخطط كما يلي:
و بب الخارجي لديه الإعدادات الافتراضية ويتم تعيين انحرافات إلى 2. بب الداخلي هو واحد أن يتم تعيين انحرافات إلى 1. سوف بولينجر الأوسط الفرقة تكون هي نفسها، لأن إعدادات الانحرافات لا علاقة لها به. وبطبيعة الحال، في هذا النظام التجاري نحن دون & # 8217؛ ر استخدام بولينجر الأوسط الفرقة. نحن فقط استخدامه للاحتفاظ المواقف لتعظيم الربح لدينا، ولكن ليس له دور في تشكيل الاجهزة التجارية واتخاذ المواقف.
مزدوجة بولينجر باندز استراتيجية التداول هو جيد لتداول تتجه، فضلا عن الأسواق التي تتراوح بين جانبية.
هنا هو كيف شكل الاجهزة التجارة على أساس استراتيجية مزدوجة البولنجر العصابات تجارة:
إعدادات التجارة الطويلة:
للذهاب لفترة طويلة (لشراء)، عليك أن تنتظر واحدة من الشموع لإغلاق فوق الفرقة العليا BB1. ثم يجب عليك التحقق من الشموع اثنين السابقة لمعرفة ما إذا كانت أسعارها القريبة أقل من BB1 الفرقة العليا أم لا. إذا كان الأمر كذلك، لديك إعداد التجارة طويلة (إشارة شراء). يرجى الاطلاع على الرسم البياني أدناه. هو الرسم البياني اليومي لزوج الدولار الأمريكي مقابل الين الياباني. كما ترى، يتم إغلاق الشمعدان رقم 3 فوق النطاق العلوي BB1، وفي الوقت نفسه يتم إغلاق الشموعتين السابقتين (رقم 1 و 2) أسفل النطاق BB1 العلوي مباشرة. هذا هو إعداد التجارة طويلة. وهذا يعني أنك يجب أن تشتري في نهاية الشمعدان رقم 3:
يجب ضبط وقف الخسارة عند السعر المنخفض للشمعدان الذي اخترق النطاق العلوي BB1 (يعني الشمعدان رقم 3)، ويمكن أن يكون الهدف على الأقل مرتين من حجم وقف الخسارة (2 × سي). يمكنك نقل وقف الخسارة إلى التعادل إذا كان السعر يتحرك وفقا لإعداد التجارة ل 1 × سي. على سبيل المثال، عندما وقف الخسارة الخاص بك هو 60 نقطة، ثم يمكنك نقل وقف الخسارة للتعادل إذا ارتفع السعر لمدة 60 نقطة. بالطبع سوف اقول لكم كيفية درب السعر لتحقيق أقصى قدر من الربح في حال كنت لا تريد أن تخرج مع هدف 2 × سي.
في ما يلي مثال آخر على إعداد تجاري طويل:
مثال آخر على إعداد تداول طويل على ور / أوسد الرسم البياني اليومي:
في بعض الأحيان، شمعدان # 3 لا يكسر فقط فوق الفرقة BB1 العلوي، ولكن أيضا تصل إلى الفرقة العليا BB2 أيضا. يحدث هذا عندما يتجه الأمن بقوة:
يحدث هذا أيضا عندما يكون هناك اتجاه صاعد قوي ونحن لسنا بالفعل في:
ملاحظة: عندما الشمعدان # 3 طويل جدا، يمكنك تعيين وقف الخسارة أعلى من سعره المنخفض، وليس لديها فقدان وقف واسعة جدا.
إعدادات التجارة القصيرة:
للذهاب قصيرة (للبيع)، عليك أن تنتظر واحدة من الشموع لإغلاق تحت BB1 الفرقة السفلى. ثم يجب عليك التحقق من الشموع اثنين السابق لمعرفة ما إذا كانت أسعارها قريبة فوق BB1 أقل الفرقة أم لا. إذا كان الأمر كذلك، لديك إعداد التجارة قصيرة (إشارة بيع)، ويمكنك الذهاب قصيرة (بيع) في نهاية الشمعدان الذي كسر أسفل النطاق السفلي BB1.
وقد أغلقت الشمعدان رقم 3 على الرسم البياني أدناه تحت النطاق السفلي BB1 بينما الشموع رقم 1 و 2 قد أغلقت فوقه. هذا هو إعداد التجارة قصيرة. مثل الاجهزة التجارية طويلة، وقف الخسارة يجب أن يتم تعيين على ارتفاع سعر الشمعدان # 3، ويمكن أن يكون الهدف على الأقل مرتين من وقف الخسارة حجم (2 × سي). يمكنك نقل وقف الخسارة إلى التعادل إذا انخفض السعر ل 1 × سي.
كيفية تحقيق أقصى قدر من الربح؟
وكما أوضحنا سابقا، فإن هذا النظام التجاري جيد في اللحاق بالاتجاهات. لذلك، أنت & # 8217؛ d أفضل للاستفادة من الحركات القوية وتحقيق أقصى قدر من الربح الخاص بك.
عندما يكون هناك إعداد تجاري قوي، يمكنك أيضا أن تأخذ موقفين مع نفس وقف الخسارة، عندما يكون هناك إعداد التجارة على أساس نظام التداول المزدوج بولينجر باندز. تعيين هدف 2 x سي للمركز الأول، وليس الهدف الثاني. إذا كان الموضع الأول يضرب الهدف، قم بتحريك موقف إيقاف الخسارة الثاني إلى التعادل واحتفظ به.
في حالة وجود موقف طويل، عقد المركز الثاني طالما الشموع تشكل بين BB1 و BB2 العصابات العليا، أو فوق بولينجر الأوسط الفرقة. إغلاق المركز الثاني عندما تبدأ الشموع عبور العصابات العليا BB1، أو عندما يكسر أحد الشموع تحت بولينجر ميدل باند:
في حالة وجود موقف قصير، عقد المركز الثاني طالما الشموع شكل بين BB1 و BB2 أقل العصابات، أو تحت بولينجر الأوسط الفرقة. إغلاق المركز الثاني عندما تبدأ الشموع عبور نطاقات BB1 و BB2 السفلى، أو عندما يكسر أحد الشموع فوق بولينجر ميدل باند:
بالطبع، الأسواق دون & # 8217؛ ر الاتجاه في كل وقت. في الواقع أنها الاتجاه 30٪ من الوقت. وهذا يعني أنك لا ينبغي أن نتوقع لجعل مئات النقاط من كل إعداد التجارة. يمكنك درب وقف الخسارة إذا أردت. على سبيل المثال عندما يكون وقف الخسارة الأولي 80 نقطة، يمكنك نقل وقف الخسارة الخاص بك مرة أخرى لكل 80 نقطة التي تتحرك وفقا لذلك.
ما الإطار الزمني؟
استراتيجية مزدوجة بولينجر باندز تجارة يعمل على جميع الأطر الزمنية، ولكن يمكنني استخدامه على الأطر الزمنية اليومية وأطول، لأنه هو أسهل وأكثر أمانا وأكثر ربحية. لا أعتقد أنك سوف تجعل المزيد من الأرباح إذا قمت بتطبيق هذا النظام التجاري على 5min أو 15min الرسوم البيانية. تداول الأطر الزمنية الأقصر ليس سوى صداع، ولن تحقق المزيد من الأرباح.
أقضي حوالي 15-30 دقيقة التحقق من الرسوم البيانية كل يوم، ولكن أنا أكثر ربحية من التجار اليوم الذين يجلسون على جهاز الكمبيوتر لعدة ساعات يوميا، كل يوم.
تاريخ لدينا 23،000+ المتابعين الموالين الآن وتلقي لدينا الكتاب الإلكتروني مجانا!
+ انقر هنا لمعرفة من نحن ولماذا تم إنشاء هذا الموقع.
استراتيجية الخاص تبدو كبيرة، وأنا أحب أن أستطيع استخدامها مع استراتيجية كريس معا. شكرا لك 😉
قرأت مقالك مرة أخرى، وأود أن أسألك سؤالا واحدا، هل هناك أي قواعد محددة لتتراوح والأسواق الجانبية؟
لا. هو نفسه مع تتجه وتتراوح الأسواق.
يبدو وكأنه نظام بسيط جدا وخالية من الإجهاد. سأحاول بالتأكيد هذا واحد. تشكرات!
مرحبا بكم كمال. أحب المواد جنبا إلى جنب مع كريس منها. كنت دائما مثيرة للاهتمام. كريس نفسه يقول & # 8220؛ كمال هو صعبة كما التداول على الأوسط بب هو & # 8221؛
مادة كبيرة! نظام التداول كله في صفحة واحدة مع كلمات سهلة & # 8230؛. مفيدة جدا للمبتدئين مثلي. وسوف زيادة الاستثمار بلدي باستخدام هذه الاستراتيجية. سوف تبدأ بعد هذه الاستراتيجية من بداية الأسبوع المقبل.
شكرا جزيلا على مقالتك الرائعة & # 8230 ؛. 😀
شكرا لكم على هذه المادة كامل والله يبارك لكم.
شكرا لك، كامل.
شكرا لكم كامل، تبدو مثيرة للاهتمام وبسيطة. هل هناك أي استخدام للفرقة المتوسطة BB2 في هذه الاستراتيجية؟
مرحبا كامل & # 8230؛ شكرا ل آخر آخر افتتاح المادة..لدي طلب واحد كامل الرجاء لا البقاء طويلا دون كتابة شيء بالنسبة لنا & # 8230؛ يا رفاق استثنائية!
شكرا لك كمال للمشاركة.
حيث يمكنني العثور على نظام التداول كريس؟
بلز تعطيني الرابط.
شكرا لك كريس.
شكرا لك كريس.
سعيد أن أراك مرة أخرى كامل. شكرا على مشاركة هذا & # 8211؛ تبدو جيدة!
لقد استخدمت هذا مع نتائج عظيمة. أنا لا إضافة بب الثالث مع انحراف 3. وهو بمثابة مستويات دعم ومقاومة قوية جدا.
شكرا لك على تعليقك ومرحبا بكم في لوكسكوت 🙂
الثلاثي بولينجر الفرقة نظام التداول. 😀 لول.
مرحبا كامل شكرا لمقالة كبيرة كما هو الحال دائما. لدي سؤال واحد على الرغم من:
في الاتجاه الصعودي، إذا كان الشموع # 3 الخاص بك يغلق فوق BB1 والشموع # 1 و # 2 مغلقة تحت بمب، وسوف تؤثر على إعداد التجارة؟
نعم فعلا. لن يكون الإعداد التجاري نموذجي أن أحب أن تأخذ.
كان فقط أن أقول شكرا لنظام تجاري جديد. وسوف أعطيها الذهاب.
جيد جدا أن أراك مرة أخرى. هناك نوعان من الأمور التي تجعل السؤال هنا:
q1: وفقا لاستراتيجية التداول الجديدة هذه، على الرسم البياني اليومي لزوج الدولار الأمريكي مقابل الين الياباني (أوسد / جبي) (في نهاية المادة) يمكننا أن نذهب بالقرب من (3) بسبب شكل شمعدان قوي أبيض وكسر النطاق العلوي BB1 وشموعتين سابقتين مغلقتين تحت النطاق العلوي BB1.
q2: نفس ما سبق يجب أن نبيع تحت موقف (4) بسبب تشكيل اطلاق النار نجمة عصا شمعة التي اختراق BB1 أقل الفرقة واثنين من الشموع السابقة التي أغلقت العلوي BB1 الفرقة السفلى. لماذا لم يحدث ولم تقم على أساس استراتيجية جديدة.
شكرا على الرد.
مرحبا بهنام. أنا آسف ولكن لا & # 8217؛ ر فهم ما هو سؤالك بالضبط.
مرحبا كامل، شكرا جزيلا لكم على تقاسم نظام التداول الخاص بك بسيط، بارك الله لكم جميعا، مجرد سؤال & # 8230؛ ما هي أزواج من الأفضل أن يتم تداولها من قبل هذا النظام؟
جميع الأزواج المذكورة هنا:
مرحبا كامل / كريس.
كمال & # 8211؛ شكرا لك على ما يبدو استراتيجية كبيرة & # 8211؛ وشكرا لك كريس لكامل.
كامل & # 8211؛ هل يرجى إلقاء نظرة على شمعة يوروس ل 2018-10-30 & # 8211؛ إذا تم تداولها (ويبدو أنها تمتثل للنظام & # 8211؛ إلا أن الشمعة 1 مغلقة تحت بمب)، ثم سيتم إيقافها & # 8211؛ هل من فضلك ننصح ما كنت ستفعل؟ & # 8211؛ كان التحرك يحتمل أن يكون واحدا قويا (320 نقطة إلى نقطة مفتوحة و # 8217 s نقطة الخروج الأولى) وركض بين العصابات BB2 & أمب؛ BB1.
اهلا بيتر. أعتقد أن تاريخ الشمعدان يجب أن يكون مختلفا عما ذكرته. يرجى التحقق واسمحوا لي أن أعرف.
شكرا لاهتمامكم & # 8211؛ أنت على حق & # 8211؛ كان لي كل من تاريخ وزوج خاطئ & # 8211؛ كانت الشمعة 2018-10-30 على الرسم البياني اليومي أوسجبي & # 8211؛ شكرا لك للنظر في هذا.
نعم، هذا مثال جيد على الإعداد الطويل.
ولكن من الواضح أن توقفت من قبل شمعة 2018/11/07 (على الرغم من ذلك قد يكون هدف الربح 2 x كشط في) & # 8211؛ كما سيتم إيقافها.
كنت أتساءل كيف يمكنك التعامل معها & # 8211؛ إذا كان لديك هذه التجارة على؟
هل تسمح فقط لوقف يحدث؟
ثم هل تفكر في إعادة الدخول على أساس حجم شمعة 2018/11/08 بالإضافة إلى إغلاق شمعة 2018/11/06 يجري عمليا على خط BB1؟
أو هل سيعود هذا إلى شرط دخول استمرارية بمب؟
إنها مجموعة مثيرة للاهتمام جدا من الشموع & # 8211؛ في ضوء القواعد.
آسف. إذا كنت تعني 2018.10.30 شمعدان على أوسد / جبي لن أعتبر ذلك 2018.10.28 شمعدان أغلقت تحت بمب. مقارنة هذا مع 2018.07.29 الإعداد التجاري على الرسم البياني اليومي أوسد / جبي، وسوف ترى ما أعنيه.
شكرا لكم كامل & # 8211؛ أرى & # 8211؛
تم إضعاف قوة الانتقال من الإعداد 2018-10-30 من قبل شمعة 1 لا يجعل & # 8220؛ إغلاق تحت قاعدة BB1 العلوي & # 8221؛ & # 8211؛ بدأت هذه الخطوة ولكن بسبب ضعف الإعداد، فقدت الحركة وسلم السيطرة على الدببة. بالنظر إلى ذلك مرة أخرى، أرى أن السيطرة الصاعدة جاءت فقط فجأة مع شمعة 2018/11/08 & # 8211؛ ولكن بدون إعداد دب.
ومع ذلك، كان الإعداد 2018-07-29 الإعداد قوية بما فيه الكفاية لجعل 3 × توقف & # 8211؛ وعلى الرغم من أن السيطرة أعطيت مرة أخرى إلى الدببة & # 8211؛ كانت الشموع في الغالب صغيرة دوجي & # 8217؛ ق أو الهبوط مع ظلال أقل أطول & # 8211؛ مما يشير إلى أن الضغط الصعودي القوي كان قائما.
And this can be then seen with the 19 August 2018 DBB set up, which maintained bullish control, going on to make 595pips (for the second open order) until the first exit point – a ‘close below upper BB1’ in accordance with the rules.
Thank you I see.
مرحبا بك.
First, my regards to Chris, Initially, i found it hard to understand the morale of this wonderful community, but now i realized it is simple ‘BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE’.
To Kamel and Chris, please stay alive guys, we need you here.
Thank you for your comment and welcome to LuckScout 🙂
God bless you with this an eye opening and the regards you have for Chris!
For giving such a huge strategy free without taking a dime God will replenish you with wisdom and knowledge like he did to Solomon.
And to Chris, More grease to your elbow and wishing you the best life can offer.
We all your fans appreciate you and wish you good health and prosperity.
from Abeokuta Ogun State Nigeria.
شكرا لكم. Same nice wishes to you and your family too 🙂
Thanks for the kind sharing. is it necessary to have three candlesticks for the setup? What if there will only be two candlestick before the setup, will that setup still be a valid one?
I can work, but experience shows that this system returns the best result the way I explained above.
Thanks a lot Kamel.
Would you please advised if the pair EUR/AUD just closed last week on 2018.10.24 on a Daily chart.
I noticed candlestick on 2018.10.24 closed below Lower BB1 and two subsequent candlestick before 2018.10.24 , closed above Lower BB1. Hence, is this a valid Bearish (sell) setup?
Thank you very much of your introduction of another enhance setup!
Candlestick 2018.10.24 is not closed below Lower BB1. This is not a short setup at all.
dear kamel how to use this stratagey in sideways and ranging markets as you have mentioned above in your article.
Exactly the same rules have to be applied to the ranging market. When a setup forms we don’t know if the market keeps on ranging or we are at the beginning of a strong trend. We take the setup, and move the SL to breakeven on time. Then we sit back and watch. Time will tell if we will have a trend, or the price will turn around and stay in the range zone.
Thank you for sharing this with us. You guys are awesome people. I am new to these, did a lot of wrong things, hence have not been profitable yet. However, you guys gave me hope and the believe that all is going to be ok. I am addicted to Chris’s post every day and the comments very informative too.
Than you Tan. Welcome 🙂
Thank you and welcome to LuckScout 🙂
dear Kamel is it must to have two candels closed below the BB1 . If # 1 candel is closing below the MB, # 2 candel is closing just below the BB1 in an uptrend . and the #3 candel is closing above the BB1 . will it be valid trade setup to trade long .
Hey Vinod, It is still a setup, but you’d better to go for the typical setups I explained above. Let’s keep it as simple as possible and not to have too many exceptions and extra rules.
Hi Kamel, Great article. Good strategy. مرحبا بعودتك. Would like your daily post.
Hi Kamel, Thank you for sharing his. It’s a great way for entering a trending market without having to wait for a typical strong set up.
For learning to identify the setup validity. Is the pair GBPCHF on monthly closed candlestick on 2018.05.01(closed above BB1) with previous 2 candlestick 2018.04.01 and 2018.03.01 (both closed below BB1) , as a valid BULLISH(Buy) setup ?
Apology, I did not indicated properly of previous GBPCHF monthly chart. It should all at UpperBB1.
Another pair for learning again. AUDCHF weekly chart. Candlestick closed on 2018.10.05 was below LowerBB1. 2 candlestick before (2018.09.28 & 2018.09.21) closed above LowerBB1. So, is these a valid SHORT setup ?
Thank you for your time and valuable effort, appreciate very much.
2018.10.05 candlestick on AUDCHF weekly, is a short setup.
Dear Chris and KAMEL.
Thank you kamel for a very brilliant post. I’m so proud and pleased to be associated with such loving and kind hearted people like you. Please never stop writing to us. I read these posts with the greatest of pleasures!
Could you gentlemen kindly explain the BB head fake to me and how it might be involved in ‘our’ beautiful trading system? I just would like to hear how you gentlemen explain this phenomenon.
وإنني أتطلع إلى ردكم.
Once again, Kamel… شكرا لكم! From the very bottom of my heart. I wish you both long and continued success in everything you do.
Boy! Aren’t we all just so lucky to have these guys guide and care for us. I know I am. شكرا لكم.
Chris & Kamel… Stay well and take good care of yourselves for our sake.
Thank you for your comment and kind words.
I don’t think that BB head fake can make serious problems for us. We have to be aware that our stop loss can be triggered sometimes with any trading system we follow. In case of BB head fake, in most cases it can not affect our positions, because we move our stop loss to breakeven as soon as the price moves for 1SL toward the target.
Hi Chris & Kamel.
Once again Thank You.
question on the AUDCAD daily chart 2018-10-24 candle – currently in Chris’s system we are short – the current candle looks ominous against the trade and this is also now a long set up under Kamel’s system?
No, it is not a long setup. 2018.10.24 candlestick is closed below BB1 upper band.
Hi Kamel – thank you for answering – I am sorry to have wasted your time – I did not check MT4 platform – I used a candle from my brokers data (not MT4) which had the daily 2018/10/24 candle closing the high at 0.9850 which is above the BB1. Hence my concern. Sorry to waste your time - However, I did not waste mine as it has shown me to be more careful and always check MT4 – closing times obviously have a considerable impact and it reinforces what Chris says – “until the candle closes …. we do not know where it will finish”. In this case I happened to be watching at 10mins to close and the price was equally performing on both MT4 and my other platform. I am very surprised and a bit confused at this revelation.
اهلا بيتر. You did not waste my time at all. I will be happy to help. The daily candlestick close time is very important. Any platform you use, make sure that daily candlesticks close at 5pm est.
The W1 of EURAUD closed above BB1 on 2018.10.12 so we go long on 2018.10.19 (W1) and this SL triggered?
نعم فعلا. Your SL will be triggered sometimes. This is the only thing I can guarantee.
re stop loss triggered sometimes – & # 8221؛ this is the only thing I can guarantee ” This has to be the most honest thing I have ever heard from a mentor of trading. Perfect! And as Chris says – nothing is sure in anything – The old saying ‘ its as sure as a Suisse Bank ‘ was even stopped out. I’m not sure if the watches still hold up though?
اهلا بيتر. شكرا لكم. Trading is nothing but taking risks. Where the price will move when we enter is what we really don’t know. The only thing we can do is limiting our risks and losses. There is no doubt that our stop loss will be triggered sometimes. This is what we can not do anything about. Something that makes us profitable at the end of the month is that we enter properly, make our losses small, and our gains big. If so, and if we trade the way I explained above, even if we win 51% of the time, we will end up the month with profit.
And the AUDJPY W1 2018.10.12 short trade still valid?
If so it’s against with Mr. Christ set up?
Chris reported a short trade setup formed by 2018.09.07 candlestick on the weekly chart.
Is it still valid after closed W1 with strong bull candle 2018.10.19 (after a doji 2018.10.12)?
Hi David, The only short trade setup on AUD/JPY was formed by 2018.09.07 candlestick and reported by Chris on 2018.09.14 here: https://luckscout/strong-trade-setups-carnival/
There is no short trade setup on 2018.10.12. Actually a long trade setup is formed by 2018.10.12 and 2018.10.19 candlesticks.
I would like to say Thank you for your new method. Its very kind of you sharing with us. Anyway I have a question regarding your new system. In spite of opening the new trade( either long or short), does the 3rd candlestick have to be a long candle stick? Can it be a short one? Also, in case of the 3rd candle stick breaking the BB2 with very long bullish or bearish candle stick, is it still the right time to go long or short? Will it be effective?
مرحبا بك.
1. No, it doesn’t have to be a long candlestick.
2. It will be riskier. I don’t take it.
Is this method (DBB) still valid as bb is squeezing? Does it have to be applied while BB is expanding?
Can the 3rd candlestick be closed in other forms than full bullish or bearish form? Is it still valid if the 3rd is closed as a doji?
The candlestick close price is important. In this system we don’t care about the candlestick form.
You can use it whenever you see a trade setup as described above.
your article about candlesticks shadows was one of the best articles i have ever read about. thanks for you good articles.
i have one question. usually a good Long trade setup formed when candlesticks break Bollinger lower band. i mean a good uptrend usually start from Bollinger lower band and go up to Bollinger upper band. in this method we lost half way of an uptrend.
am i right or i misunderstood the method?
thank you again.
نعم كلامك صحيح. In DBB system, we ride the trend when it has already formed and moved sometimes for several candlesticks. But the good thing is that we ride the trend when it is almost proven that a trend is started.
With this trategy, if the stop loss get triggered, do we re-enter or we just wait for the next one?
Hi Abbas. We will have to wait for another setup.
Nice and simple trade system! In regards to your exit/SL, do you typically trail your SL or just wait for the candle to cross back over the BMB/BB1 to exit? You mentioned both options but it appears that you prefer to wait for the cross back rather than trailing the stop. I guess waiting for the cross back allows for the bigger trend runs but the trailing stop prevents you loosing your profit if a trend doesn’t happen.
Hi Daniel. I sometimes move my SL further, but I don’t take it too close to the market movements to give enough room for the price fluctuations.
Thank you so much for your effort.
Could you tell me the candlesticks (#1 and #2) are MUST closed between BB1 and BB Middle Band or they just need close anywhere above/below BB Middle Band?
It is better if they close between BB1 and BMB, like the examples I showed you above. It would better if candles #1 and #2 close right below BB1 upper band in case of long, and above BB1 lower band in case of short trade setups. This is the typical trade setup.
Thanks a lot for the great strategy, it looks good.. But, are there any special tips or tricks for this strategy? I tried to do this strategy with 4H timeframe on multiple pairs but I got more losses than gains..
There is no tips and tricks. It is as simple as it is explained above. Trade the daily, weekly and monthly time frames using this strategy and look for the trade setups exactly as it is explained above. You will have a lot more gains than losses.
I have read all your articles. They are brilliant. I am glad that you are writing and generously share more awesome knowledge again.
I have one question about the DBB. I would to know the logic behind this trade set up. It would be very useful to understand the mechanism of how the price react to it. This is not I don’t believe your trade set up . I feel this is another effective trade set up and yet very simple which accounts for both statistics and the market psychology, thus I would like to know it better in details.
I understand that 1SD and 2SD can be interpreted as probability under normal distribution, 68% and 95% with regard to the price’s volatility.
So, does it mean that while the price move within the range of midBB and BB1 (normal market), and then suddenly the price pierce through the BB1 (go out of the range 68% confident interval, 1SD) indicates that the bull start to gain power and take control of the bear?
Do I understand it correctly? Please correct me.
About the logic behind this strategy, honestly I don’t know more than what you explained. This strategy is not invented by me. I initially learned it from Chris and other senior traders, but I used more seriously than the others. I know that there are so many traders who use this strategy.
It’s cool Kamel….. Thank to kamel and Chris for Sharing such a great Trade setups…
Good Luck you all…..
You are welcome Asiri 🙂
مقالة رهيبة. Keen to give it a go.
Just a question, I noticed on 2 of your long trade setup examples that either candle 1 or candle 2 were closed above BB1, but you mentioned that we have a setup if these are both closed below BB1. How critical is this?
Thanks in advance for your reply, and also thanks a million times for the unselfish efforts of Chris and yourself in helping us become profitable traders.
You are welcome and thank you too.
Are you sure that candles #1 and #2 are closed above BB1 upper band? أنا لا & # 8217؛ ر أعتقد ذلك. Please check one more time.
Also here is more explanations:
thank you so much for your insight guys, i have been a victim of day trading and it does shatter your confidence when you trade smaller time frames…the irony is when i take a short position and then close it because its gone against me, at the end of the trading day, if i had of kept the position with the bias of being short, i would have made a lovely 60 pips, instead i took a loss of 20 pips because my time frame of 15 mins stopped me out…
this stuff you guys teach is priceless…
Thank you for your comment and welcome to LuckScout.
Glad to hear you like our articles.
Thank you for sharing another strategy.
Is it really profitable? Could you please share its characteristics (especially profit factor, possibly loss rate (stop loss hit at its initial place)) based on your experience?
It’s so mechanical that it can be automated relatively easily, and backtest on the daily chart. I will do it as my time allows, and will share my results here.
If one trades exactly as it is explained above, yes it is profitable even if only 51% of the setups hit the 2 x SL target. I have not calculated the profit factor, but it has worked for me for years.
I would be really interested in even a rough indication of how profitable this system has been for you. Like an average of 0-5% per month, 15-20% per month, or somewhere in between?
It would boost my confidence a lot if i knew that someone has used this for years with decent profit.
Oh boy….Hi Kamel. I bet when you and Chris discussed whether or not to share this strategy then Chris probably warned you about all the feedback you would get about this…..lol! It took me 15 minutes just to read this post.
Hey Pete. شكرا لك ايضا.
Today I just try your DBB system on GBPUSD H4.. Happy to said it worked.. It hit 2 x SL target (long position).. Next I will try in bigger time frame.. Many thanks to you for your simple technic..
أمر طيب لك. We just reported that trade setup as an example. It is too late to enter now:
Actually I already take position & enter at the right time plus already take the profit.. I will try find more setups in bigger time frame.. Cheers..
أمر طيب لك. We were late.
Really easy and interesting system. Keeping it simple stupid. I really am interested in following the system.
However, I have questions:
1. Following the system, how can we afford consolidations and little trend pull backs?
2. Must candlesticks 1 and 2 form and close under the BB1 or only close under it (Long Setup)?
3. Can you please give us an approximate win rate of this strategy ?
Your system simply super.
Dear Chris & Kamel.
Thanks a million times. Most of the people these type of secrets are sodding very high price. But you are generously helping to willing people.
Jesus Bless you & your family abundantly.
Thank you Alwin 🙂
Hi Alwin. Thank you and welcome to LuckScout 🙂
Kamel I need to test this in demo really enjoy all your articles thanks again mate . Sorry I slow to respond taking a holiday best John.
Hi Kamel and Chris.
Firstly I am new to and and have recently came across your page in the last few days. I wish to thank both of you for sharing with all of us I will be putting this system to work today and will continue to read your articles which I find extremely interesting and simple thank you again guys I hope some day I can be a successful trader.
The double bollinger band if not mistakenly was from Kathy Lien, right?
I would like to know that have you develop the drawdown % for the DDB system?
Many thanks Kamel.
We have been using this system for 15 years. Almost all professional trader know about this system. It is neither invented by us, nor any other known person.
No, I don’t have the drawdown %.
Thanks kamel. The way you reply was so impressed! هاها.
I got a doubt on candlestick chart. I found that different brokers provide different trading hours thus it would affect the form of candlestick.
if like that, may i know which is the best timing to follow? GMT-5? GMT+2? or any other?
What server timing your broker offer to you?
مرحبا بك.
We use GMT+2 platforms.
Hi Kemal , I really love this BB system, its great, but there are just not enough setups in week over 19 pairs for me to trade it full time .. But what you guys are sharing here is really great, thanks you very much . Michael..
Hi..thank you so much for the report. Can you kindly let me know if the close of third candle is above BB1 upperhand and close of previous two candles are below BB1 LOWER hand….what stand I should take.
Thank you so much in advances.
There are clear rules on forming the trade setups. They are explained above. What you mentioned cannot be known as a trade setup.
Just getting clarification on DBB strategy.
This is what was said in the article “To go long (to buy), you have to wait for one of the candlesticks to close above the BB1 upper band. Then you should check the previous two candlesticks to see whether their close prices are below the BB1 upper band or not.”
My question is in a long situation, whether the two prior candlestics (the ones below BB1) need to be bullish candles or can they have their close prices lower than the open prices?
They don’t have to be bullish. The just need to be closed at the right place.
This DBB strategy is really a wonderful trading system! Thank you for sharing with us your wealth of knowledge and systems. 🙂
I’m practicing using the DBB system and had one winning trade already. A good one, Short, GBPJPY 12/16/14, $1106 profit. However, a later trade, Short, NZDUSD after the 12/17/14 candlestick, (Daily chart), closed below lower BB1 with Candles #1 and #2 closing above LBB1, went sour. I interpreted this situation as a Short trade setup since it conformed, as I understand, to the DBB Trading rules. The trade went against me and hit SL after going up rather than down. It’s still going up!
What did I miss in evaluation of the setup.
I’ll appreciate your comments/criticism.
It was not a typical short setup, but still a short setup. Please see the above examples and you will see the difference.
While I sincerely appreciate your mentoring, even as I strive to comprehend the DBB strategy, presently, I am very confused: referencing the USDJPY Daily, the 2018.12.16 candle clearly closed below LBB1 while candles #1 & #2 closed above it. Now, according to the rules in the above article, this should constitute a “Short” trade setup. Yet, as you can see form the chart, price has moved “up”, from the suggested entry point,(close of candle #3), some 2500 pips as of 12/18/14, 0013hrs, UTC.
Could you please help me clarify this confusion.
If you prefer please reply privately to my email.
Kind regards and many thanks for your mentoring.
Hi Jeng , Michael this cool site and saw your here not Kamel , I was just sitting here catching up on some reading and saw your post . If I may answer you ?
They way I would interpret this is , on Daily ,
The candle on 12th did not close below mean the 20 and was a indecision candle spinning top. The candle on the 15th did .
But also, this has been a strong up trend for long time on daily, weekly, and monthly ?
So based on all things, mainly the rules of BB. The candle did not close below the 20 , this is not a sell. Not sure how to give a picture of this anyways ..
Hope that helps .. Michael…
There is never a guarantee where the price will go, even with a perfect trade setup. No trader in the world can predict prices. There are probabilities only.
By picking only the optimal setups, you filter out a lot of bad trades (and some good ones as well, but overall, profitability should increase).
Then there is another article with some more general DBB rules explained further, maybe you’ve already read it: https://luckscout/dbb-trading-system-rules-for-long-and-short-trade-setups/
In your example, candle #2 is good, but candle #1 isn’t, because it closes above the middle band. Also candle #3 closes almost below the lower BB2 which is also not optimal, but still acceptable (these extra rules are explained in the second article i linked. I have just begun to use them myself.
Hi Jeng , I meant to type , This is Michael not Kamel, and was just reading some posts , not sure what happened there in begging of my comment , but the rest of post is straight ..
Is DBB recommended to be traded only on Daily or can we apply it to Weekly and Monthly please? If yes, how exactly do we trade it on Weekly and Monthly?
Yes, DBB can be applied to weekly and monthly time frames. The rules are exactly the same.
شكرا لردكم. What I actually mean to ask is following the rules on weekly and monthly would require huge stop loss setting and was thinking there could be a way to trade it on daily. So is best to leave it if cannot be traded according to rules?
If your account cannot handle wide stop loss orders, then you’d better to forget about trading the long time frame. Of course, trading the shorter time frames also increase the risk.
hi, thanks for sharing such posts. this is a great and simple method but i tested some recent charts with it and it had some wrong trades too. so how should we reduce the loss trades of this method? look at following pictures for example :
and it should complete more as it doesn’t detect some of great trends.
it is not a rule for every pairs and correct every time but some times it shows huge profits.
Any trading system generates some losses sometimes and cannot be profitable all the time. Also any trading system misses good and strong movements sometimes. Please read my most recent article about this system:
Thank you for sharing this knowledge I’ll be sure to keep this spirit as i grow and become more confident and profitable. I noticed that in some daily chart examples there are five bbs and four in others, is this due to zooming while captured? شكرًا لك مرة أخرى.
Yes, it is because of zooming.
I apologize if my questions have answers in the comment’s I normally try to read the entire page to keep redundant questions off you guys but honestly its late and my batteries is about to die and the power is so i want to get it posted and i value every word on this blessed blog. I noticed in the going short chart examples a cpl had candles one and two closed a little above bb1? The only reason I could think of would be they formed strong patterns like in the bb break out system. شكرا.
I have backtested your strategy, here are my remarks:
& # 8211؛ first 2 candles doesn’t play role in the strategy and are useless, as they are filtering out many otherwise profitable trades.
& # 8211؛ using breakeven in this strategy is significantly reducing performance of the trading system.
& # 8211؛ BB2 is not necessary, doesn’t improve profitability in any way.
Following best backtest results i got is based on the strategy rules:
& # 8211؛ if previous candle opened below BB1 upperband and closed above BB1 upperband.
& # 8211؛ stoploss goes below previous candle low.
& # 8211؛ if previous candle opened above BB1 lowerband and closed below BB1 lowerband.
& # 8211؛ stoploss goes above previous candle high.
Takeprofit should be set to 8x – 10x (open price – stoploss ) distance.
& # 8211؛ if previous candle closed below BB1 middleband.
& # 8211؛ if previous candle closed above BB1 middleband.
EURUSD, backtest 1999 – 2018, starting capital 10000 USD.
1999: 40 [-0.4709 %] -47.0910 (9952.9092)
2000: 37 [13.4727 %] 1340.9209 (11293.8301)
2001: 50 [-16.2283 %] -1832.8000 (9461.0303)
2002: 47 [37.3463 %] 3533.3459 (12994.3760)
2003: 45 [77.4461 %] 10063.6426 (23058.0195)
2004: 50 [6.0964 %] 1405.7102 (24463.7305)
2005: 47 [4.4194 %] 1081.1555 (25544.8867)
2006: 41 [11.6208 %] 2968.5081 (28513.3945)
2007: 46 [15.6369 %] 4458.5991 (32971.9922)
2008: 39 [20.1819 %] 6654.3691 (39626.3594)
2009: 43 [-12.3807 %] -4906.0059 (34720.3516)
2018: 44 [17.1850 %] 5966.6978 (40687.0508)
2018: 48 [5.0655 %] 2060.9893 (42748.0391)
2018: 44 [-7.9236 %] -3387.2031 (39360.8359)
2018: 54 [12.2980 %] 4840.5811 (44201.4180)
2018: 39 [0.2107 %] 93.1342 (44294.5508)
TotalNetProfit (Gross Profit – Gross Loss): 34294.5625 (148142.9375 – 113848.3828)
Maximal drawdown: 23.9278% (5469) [17387.5176, 22856.5977]
Profit factor: 1.3012.
Total trades: 714.
Profitable trades (% of total): 215.0000 (30.1120 %), Average profit: 689.0369, Largest profit: 3856.3274, Average duration: 23.1535 candles.
Breakeven trades (% of total): 0.0000 (0.0000 %)
Losing trades (% of total): 499.0000 (69.8880 %), Average loss: -228.1531, Largest loss: -467.1993, Average duration: 5.1864 candles.
Long Positions (won %): 117.0000 (54.4186 %)
Short Positions (won %): 98.0000 (45.5814 %)
Good that you backtested it.
How much did you risk per trade to get to these results?
How is it going with your modified DBB ?
I am a novice starter and still loosing money :), Thank you very much for this site it is educating me a lot.
I have a question for Kamel in the above article when you mention.
“move the second’s position stop loss to breakeven and hold it.”
I couldn’t understand the breakeven idea .. I mean How? can you please explain further.. or if there is a link that I can look at for detailed explanation ..
Breakeven is the entry price. You can move the stop loss to breakeven when your position is in profit. If so, your position will be closed with no loss if the price goes against you.
Do i understand correctly, you wait until the daily candle closes and at that moment you make a decision? Or is it possible to look at the candles on a different time during the day and act then? For me the daily candles close at 6 in the morning so i would have to wake up early (and yes, if you say it’s necessary, then i will set my alarm clock early 😛 ).
You can use this method on any time frame, but daily and longer time frames return better results because they are stronger.
It is OK if you check the daily chart even at 8 am because usually markets don’t move that much during that two hours.
This is a good news for me too as I have to wake up 3.30AM in the local time.
I found this a bit confusing:
“In case of a long position, hold the second position as long as the candlesticks form between the BB1 and BB2 upper bands, or above the Bollinger Middle Band. Close the second position when candlesticks start crossing the BB1 and BB2 upper bands, or when one of the candlesticks breaks below the Bollinger Middle Band.”
In the first sentence, the “or above the Bollinger Middle Band” seems to suggest that candlesticks between the middle band and BB1 upper band are fine and the position shouldn’t be closed. The second sentence says the opposite? Maybe that paragraph (and the corresponding one about shorts) could be clarified a little.
That was a mistake. It had to be:
Close the second position when candlesticks start crossing the BB1 upper bands…
“Close the second position when candlesticks start crossing the BB1 and BB2 upper bands, or when one of the candlesticks breaks below the Bollinger Middle Band”
Does this rule still apply if this happens between SL and the profit target of the first position?
What i mean: there’s a buy signal and i open two positions. The first one’s target (at 2xSL) is hit, leaving just the second position. The price doesn’t go higher, but instead falls to between the old profit target and the SL (which has now moved to break even) and here candles close below the BB1 upper band (but this is still above break even). Do i follow the rule i quoted, or do i leave the position open until break even is hit or until it goes above the old 2xSL profit target?
Sorry for the wall of text for a single question, but some details are not clear to me.
1. That part is fixed. So now it is: Close the second position when candlesticks start crossing the BB1 upper bands, or when one of the candlesticks breaks below the Bollinger Middle Band…
2. Please look at the below chart and let me know if it is possible to have the scenario you mentioned here on this chart or not:
2. I cannot find the chart where i saw that scenario, but i made an attempt to ‘photoshop’ something together: i. imgur/rDP2wgd. png.
In this situation, would you close the second position, because the most recent candles are closing below BB1, even though you’re below the TP of the first position? What about if the next candle closes below the middle band, but above the B/E?
Yes, I would close the second position.
During my daily round i noticed that i may have been doing something wrong since i started with the DBB strategy (less than a week ago). I was moving the SL of both positions to break even when the price moved 1xSL in my favor. But now that i read the article again (see the quoted text below), i see that i should only move the SL of the first position and that i should not move the SL of the second position until the first position hits TP. هل هذا صحيح؟ Or does it not matter?
From section “long trade setups”
“You can move the stop loss to breakeven if the price moves according to the trade setup for 1 x SL.”
From section “how to maximize your profit”
“If the first position hits the target, move the second’s position stop loss to breakeven and hold it.”
When the first position hits the TP, you move the SL of the second position to breakeven. If the first position is 1:1 which means its stop loss and target sizes are the same, then when the first position hits the TP it means it has moved for 1xSL.
I’m sorry, i think i haven’t explained myself well enough in my previous comment. The way i interpret the above quoted text is that if the price is at 1.5 x SL (or anywhere between 1 x SL and 2 x SL), then the SL of the first position would have been moved to breakeven, but the SL of the second position has not changed and is still at “-1 x SL”. So at that point you have two different stoplosses, is that correct?
You don’t move the SL of the first position. You move the second position SL when the first position hits the TP.
“You don’t move the SL of the first position.”
Now you lost me, because i really don’t see how i can interpret this part of the article any other way (i use 2 x SL as the target for the first position):
“[…] the target can be at least twice of the stop loss size (2 x SL). You can move the stop loss to breakeven if the price moves according to the trade setup for 1 x SL. For example, when your stop loss is 60 pips, then you can move the stop loss to breakeven if the price goes up for 60 pips.”
In that example, my target would be 120 pips. What i wanted to know was when to move the second position to breakeven. Should i do that when price is at +60 pips ( at the same time i move the SL of the first position) or when it’s at +120 pips (when the first position hits TP).
Again, sorry to take up your valuable time, i realize you must be very busy between writing all these wonderful articles and answering questions from other people. It’s just that i want to be 100% sure about the rules. If i’m doing something wrong, I’d rather find out now than in 6 months.
The strategy is already working nicely on my demo account, GBPNZD made a nice dive today 🙂
Sorry for my confusion. The above article is written by Kamel and that is his strategy. I don’t move the first positions stop loss to breakeven.
Glad to hear you have been doing good so far.
Not really sure, what you don’t understand on this simple strategy. Just read it multiple times and watch examples from authors. Only valid questions on them are, if they backtested their strategy and what’s the success ratio and average win/average loss ration.
I have simplified this strategy to maximal extent and even increased the profitability and proved it in backtest. So if the original strategy is too complicated to you, you can use the rules i have posted above.
It’s an amazing strategy that only very few generous-minded people dare to share.
Can I know what percentage you earn monthly/annually by applying this strategy?
I think that can tell us more about its success rate.
It is impossible to answer this question, because markets behave differently every month. Please read the below comments. Some trader have back-tested this system and published the results on this page.
Thanks for your article i have read all the article and it is very good for daily time frame trading…
can you tell me how to download Double bolinger Band….
looking forward for your positive and prompt reply…
مرحبا بك.
You don’t have to download anything. You should add two Bollinger Bands to the same chart. One of them with the default settings and the other one with Deviation=1.
It seems to me that the trade is setup today at the euro/usd.
شكرا على هذه المقالة.
مرحبا بكم في لوكسكوت.
A long trade setup on EUR/USD daily chart?
Thanks for the welcome and the wonderful site you got.
Yes indeed that is what I meant.
I am desperate that you did not answer my question on Mar 5, 2018 on this same thread. Meanwhile you keep on responding on others’ تعليقات.
اسف بشأن ذلك. I just answered that comment.
Is the opposite direction for the DBB setups also “true”/likely to succeed for often than fail?
Example for a downtrend:
& # 8211؛ two candles close between BB1 upper band and BB2 upper band.
& # 8211؛ one candle closes bearish below the BB1 upper band but above the middle band to make it stronger.
I can see exactly that in the gold chart right now, but maybe it’s a coincidence, because of the 1200 USD psychological mark.
Please upload an example to tinypic and share the URL here, so that I can see what you mean exactly. شكرا لكم.
What I mean is technically a “reversed DBB setup” so from the top to the bottom.
The typically DBB setup:
& # 8211؛ we have two candles between the middle band and bb1 band for a strong setup.
& # 8211؛ we have one candle closing above bb1.
The idea (screenshot):
& # 8211؛ we have two candles between the bb2 upper band and the bb1 upper band.
& # 8211؛ we have one candle closing below the bb1 lower band.
& # 8211؛ in the screenshot the two candles are the gravestone doji and the bearish candle touching the purple line, which is a 50 SMA.
& # 8211؛ the third candle closes below bb1 upper band.
I guess it’s a coincidence and not a setup. Today’s candle shows me that it’s retesting the 50 SMA, so I assume the reason we went down was the 50 SMA.
Thank you for sharing this. Hope you don’t mind if I say I have no comment on this. It has to be back-tested to see how it has worked in the past.
I’ve just seen the last gold bearish candle also closed below the 50 SMA, that might also be the reason…
I am appreciate to find this site as I am novice in trading and thank you and your friends for such huge support, almost read all 5 steps and trying follow your points. I am at stage of analyzing and practicing, so I have question: USD/JPY daily 11.02.2018 long bearish candle formed engulfing pattern, strong breaking upper BB, from everything what I read here, it is strong short setup, but price went up, what was confirmed by DBB strategy with 14-15-16.02.2018. May I know what did I miss?
Thank you for your attantion.
1. We don’t take the short trade setups that the participant candlestick has a considerable lower shadow in it. The 2018.02.12 candlestick has a too long lower shadow.
2. Sometimes even the best and strongest setups hit the stop loss. You have to be prepared for it.
It is unbelievable what you do here guys! I am just overwhelmed.
I really hope that you receieve as much as you give because you deserve it.
Have you ever check what is the winning rate for this strategy? It looks so simple to follow and yet effective.
One more time, Thank you so much for the great work.
I haven’t done that, but if you check the above comments, you will see that some other LuckScout members have done it and shared the result.
This is such a great strategy for us working stiffs thank you Kamel for sharing.
Thank you for sharing a system so effective and simple with all of us and for free.
I just stumbled across your free system online, since I just completed a very similar daily system myself and looked for ideas to finally make it work.
I created one with a quite similar idea to catch trends in the beginning. Since I did not know a better way, I based mine on moving averages and candlesticks but I find your approach with two sets of Bollinger bands a whole lot more comfortable and precise than MAs alone could be. So your way to keep things simple is just incredible to me.
I plan to apply that system as soon as possible. First I need to refund my account, because I let mine be torn down by a lot of mistakes Chris identified in his article about greed. So I hope to do better in the future.
You and Chris are incredible, unselfishly educating people with true wisdom and encouragement.
My ultimate goal is to be able one day to give wisdom for other people to prosper just the way you guys do.
I am truly greatful and will keep reading your stuff and learn and master everything you share.
Greetings from Germany.
Thank You very much for simple and impressive.
Chris and Kamel, You guys are geniuses!:)
All best to You!
So, can I use it to trade the continuation signals when I’m not sure about the reversal patterns?
You can trade when a trade setup forms. There is no other rule.
Thank you Chris and Kamal. Testing DBB on demo. Looks very promising.
Thank you Kamel and Chris.
This trading system is simple and effective. Just started back-testing it and collecting the information on other articles and your comments.
Would you please tell us that the article about making the first 100000$ applies to this strategy or not?
Hi Kamel, thanks for sharing this system. Just some quick questions:
& # 8211؛ how long have you been trading it for?
& # 8211؛ Are the results in terms of achievable monthly return, similar to the main candlestick + bollinger system?
I am somewhat new to technical analysis in general, so I was thinking of trying this system alone because it is simpler and seeing if I can handle it alone, without using the main system.
Chris what happened to Kamel. Many days have passed since I last saw Kamel articles last in this site. I hope to get something new from Kamel.
He is doing good and is following us always, but he doesn’t feel like writing. He is the typical example of a lazy trader 🙂
Hmm I agree perfectly with u on this point of view. Kamel, show Chris that you are not lazy so that we can see something new articles from u. 🙂
hi kamel, DBBs is not working in my platform?
God bless you for such another great great article.
I need your confirmation, regarding to your example given above, in case of long trade setup, it doesn’t matter if the #1 and #2 candlestick are bullish or bearish. Only the #3 candlestick have to be bullish in case of long trade setup. هل انا على حق؟
Thank you so much Kamel and Chris.
i have studied enough articals on LuckScout, actually all of them starting from 2018. i have found DBB very very simple and easy.
sir my question is that can i use ONLY DBB in my demo untill i learn regular candlestick system.
نعم، يمكنك. لما لا؟
Of course, this system is also so simple and doesn’t take more than 30min of your time every week:
You can use it with DBB system.
Are you saying that trading with the stochastic system that you taught us and use it on weekly timeframe, we can be consistently profitable? شكرا لكم!
If we trade on weekly and monthly, then we need to have bigger account as the stop loss is wide, don’t we?
Please anyone can tell me where can i get this double bollianger bands indicator !
It is explained above. You add 2 Bollinger Bands to each chart. One with default settings. The other one with Dev 1.
شكرا لك كريس. I will try it. 🙂
You can add 2 bollinger bands with deviations 1 and 2. If you save this as a template then you can use it again and again easily.
If you save your template with the name “default. tpl” then it will be loaded with all the new charts automatically. This will be easy for you. 🙂
Thank you Chandima. I did it. It is easy to use now. شكرا مرة اخرى. 🙂
هذا رائع!
Thank you Kamal!
that eurcad d1 set up with dbb. It looks like a bread n butter.
can anybody tell me how to use the indicators mentioned in the note above eg singh’s indicator for DBB?
i have the same problem. downloaded both indicators, but DBB_indicator_based_on_Chris_method seems not to work. am i doing anything wrong ?
I cant find the download links either.
what do you want to download? I can help.
Indicators links are at the end of the post. Both downloadable. But one seems not to work… 🙁
All the links work for me.
Hi Chris! Sorry I didn’t explain well… Download links work! But after installing the DBB_indicator_based_on_chris….. it doesn’t work. A blank space appears under the chart and nothing else… I thought it was an EA but it isn’t… Really don’t know why 🙁
حسنا أرى ذلك. Unfortunately I don’t have to source code of those indicators. I hope those who LuckScout users who developed the indicators make them compatible with the new MT4 build.
Hope it too… I don’t know how to send them a private message… Hope they are reading this… By the way thank you very much Chris!
One that help find strong candles stick patterns please thank you in advance.
thank you so much! i will be trying this strategy on my demo account!
Lovely article. though i had it understood, but so far i understand this should be a good bearish signal.
am i wrong or is it just one of those times.
(the one under the big red arrow to the right)
I don’t see any signal on that chart. Which candlesticks you are talking about?
i have gone through most of this site’s articles since last 15 days and started using DBB method plus daily candlesticks n bollinger method.
i have left almost all indicators and only check daily candlesticks at close. if there is a setup and a confirmation daily candle is there after the first one i place the order after checking support/resistance if any nearby. and secondly if any DBB setup available i go for it. i have installed majid’s indicator and DBB indicator also which are of great help.
my question is that do i need to check anything else before going for trade because i have left RSI stoch and other indicators cuz they are like thousands and every indicator tells a different story. i couldnt cope up with them. plz tell me if anything else needed?
ملاحظة u guys are amazing trading by your method is much easier.
No, you don’t need anything else. Make sure to read this article:
Hey again Chris.
well its around the 18/7-15 on eur/jpy daily market.. i dont know if you can see the link i have set up.
all signals are bearish, 2 candlesticks over DBB1 lower and candlestick 3 under DBB1 lower.. would love if u can check out the link and see where im wrong, since only thing i can see is im maybe trading against the market? :S..
Yes, I see a short trade setup based on DBB around that area. Of course there is no 2018.07.18 candlestick on the daily chart, because 18th was weekend. Please mark the trade setup somehow so I can see what setup mean exactly. شكرا لكم.
Hope you are really doing great,
What could have been the reason for the two consecutive trade set-up failing to hit the target.
On Eur/Jpy 17th July 2018, I have followed you up mentioned something to do with weekend, what exactly do you mean here?…
and then on 28th July 2018 Eur/jpy also did not hit the turget. Do you have a special explanation for not trading this set-up or was it okay to take the positions?
Once more thank you for your energies and sacrifice to teach the whole congregation.
Stay sage and smart.
Hello again Chris.
first of all thanks for taking your time to help me 🙂
i have taken a new pic and marked the area in a red circle.
on the chart i have made another trade today.. thats a decent bullish setup, right? 🙂
I see only half of the circle. By the way, the 2018.07.17 candle formed a sell signal. Now the 2018.07.27 candle has formed a buy signal.
How to make double Bollinger bands.
It is explain in the article that you should add two sets of Bollinger Bands indicator. One with the default settings and the second one with Deviations: 1.
Open your mt4 account or platform and go to the insert button click it select bollinger bands a box should pop up click the parameters it should be 20, 2, Repeat this process and add change the deviation to 1 you should have two sets. أتمنى أن يساعدك هذا.
Hello again again Chris :P..
ya i agree with u on the sell on 7/17 and the one a few days ago.. very glad that you agree with me, so i actually can see that im right in my setups :P..
on the 7/17 bearish signal there was a strong short signal, right.
(only bearish candlesticks)
but it still didnt go up, so its just one of those times where it takes the SL and i try another time, right.
hopefully you’ll understand what i mean 🙂
Has someone written an alert for Chris’s trading strategy? If yes, please share that as well.
Thanks for sharing your strategy Kamel.
Anything that takes the guess work out of it for us rookies is much appreciated.
This is very much amazing, I don’t understand that you trained Kamel and now he explains and shares knowledge, I’m sure you have got a lot of wisdom, from a lot of wisdom you chose to share with us, You are the only one I know in the Universe who has such a kind heart. Surely it is always defeating my understanding!
Stay safe and happy always 🙂
Thank you Nics. Glad to hear you like what I do here on this site 🙂
Cheers and Cool 🙂
Thank you kamel, been using your strategy for a while now and love it, so simple yet very effective!!
I think I have to start using this strategy combine with master Chris strategy and see what result it will give. I love your article so comprehensive.
Hi Chris and Kamel and everyone one who works in this site. I am new to your site and just registered few days ago. the information I find here is amazing and so useful like everyone says. I have been reading your articles about DBB strategy and I found it so amazing. I looked at so many patterns specially in EURUSD and I kind of feel the pattern of the candle stick or maybe the length of them or the distance they have from the BB1 upper or lower band can make a difference. In one you articles you mentioned “right below the BB1 upper band, or right above BB1 lower band. I wanted to know what exactly you mean by the word “right” because you just mentioned it in one place and not in the other sentence’s or articles. Thanks a lot for your help and support and your amazing information.
Thank you and welcome to our site 🙂
I’m a newbie to LuckScout and have read your article several times. I just want to say thankyou for posting this article because It will help me start making profitable trades. Up until now In have only made small profits and mostly losses trying to trade the shorter time frames. Thanks again and keep posting. Phil.
Hi Kamel and Chris,
Is it possible to use the DBB Standard deviation 1 for BB breakout with candlestick patterns, because I’ve seen some setups form correctly, and it seems nowadays on many daily charts, standard deviation 2 is hard for the market to reach.
Could this be due to algorithmic trading killing market inefficiencies?
As I explained once, you can use BB1 and locate the strong candlestick signals. There are so many traders who do it.
> Could this be due to algorithmic trading killing market inefficiencies?
No. Algorithmic trading cannot affect market. Please kindly share a screenshot as an example, so that I can see what you are talking about exactly.
Also I am worried that the the daily candlesticks with my broker may affect my trades.
My broker is CM UK. It seems their candlesticks close at 1am GMT+1, which is currently New York summertime/EST+1 8pm instead of 5pm, and it seems to my eyes that your charts are slightly different from mine.
Could you give me advice on this?
Pardon for the many questions, I just registered an account and bursting with questions.
Thanks a lot again!
Yes, the daily candlestick close time can make the candlesticks shapes different. In most of my screenshots I use the FxPro charts. You can do the same for your analysis, and then use your broker platform only to take the positions.
Thank you sir for this new strategy of trading.
I would like to know how to add second set of BB to my screen . I tried but could not succed. الرجاء. guide.
Thanks and regards.
What platform are you using?
Thank you so much sir Kamel, you have solved me alot of headache especially in determining the target and stop loss.
Hello Chris Sir and Kamel/
I want to ask that, as Chris sir’s trading system BB with with deviation 2. you have told many timee that, strong candle stick patterns like Dark Cloud cover , piercing line and both Engulfing bear and bullish, with break out BUB or BLB breakouts, makes strong setup. but i want wo ask that. as i find that as kamels DBB ( deviation 1) there is also i find many times as well as i trades these setups, that strong candlestick patterns, Dark cloud ( both bearish and bullish, and Engulfing ( both bearish and Bullish) that breakout the DBuB1. ( bellow BuB2 in case of short trade setup and also DBLB1 ( above the BLB2). as strong setups these type also goes for atlest 2to3 candles or days as same trades. short and long. does this work or can i take this type of setups. with proper SL and TP.
The best thing to get your answer is that you check the back data and list the setups that worked and the ones that didn’t.
How to use this strategy in Amibroker software ? In Amibroker we have parameters like Price Field, Period & Width.
You have to change deviation to 1 for one of the BB indicators. هذا كل شيء.
Can the DBB strategy be profitable using 4 hour charts? Or is it better to stick to Daily and longer time frames with this strategy?
The longer the time frame, the stronger the signals. Shorter time frames will have more losing positions.
Ok, I’ll stick to longer time frames. شكرًا لك مرة أخرى!
I would like to know when you mentioned you check only 15 minutes a day to check for a setup, does that mean you are only looking for (1st candlestick and 2nd candlestick close below Upper BB1 and 3rd candlestick close above Upper BB1) setup only? or is there any other form of setup? I hope you understand my question.
I don’t follow the DBB system, but I know the answer of your question. We should check the last 3 closed candlesticks. Please also read this article:
Chris or Kamel, i just found this DBB set up on EURAUD daily chart. The 3rd candle was 2 days ago, but i think the price still ok to take position. I just want u guys too take a look the chart and confirm for thia signal, cause im new for this DBB system. شكرًا.
Hello Anton Praja I have opened position on this currency pair on 10.23.2018 based on DBB strategy. I am still still holding the position.
I have 2 doubts to clarify.
1. Does the color of the candle(candle no.1) matter?.
2. Is this strategy valid if candle 2 and 3 touches BB1 bottom line and BB2 bottom line.
You guys make a huge effort to teach us everything you know.
شكرا جزيلا.
Hallo Kamel and Chris. Its good to know you. I love LuckScout.
the 2 indicators you give for this system is not working, please help.
That method seems interesting, I will give it a try. Sorry if there has been already an answer, but is the strategy suitable with CFD and metals charts? And if no, why? شكرا جزيلا.
Dear Chris, So thankful for your hard work you have done so far to improve our trading skills.
Special thanks to Kamel for this simple and effective DBB strategy.
Thank you for back test Report of this strategy by JojoW .
today 2018-03-22,GBP/USD candlestick #1 and #2 are formed below BB1 upper band and above middle band too, and 3rd is closed above BB1 upper band still prices are going down. what is that? is that my understanding problem or it is really happening.
Another confusion. After 14th March, there was a selling signals but after Candle stick #3, which was closed down BB1 lower band, prices startd going up all of a sudden. can you please teach me I am brand new in the currency trade.
# how much news effect in daily chart with this strategy ??
# whats condition before news ??
Hi Kamel and Chris. Found the LuckScout website only yesterday and am in the process of reading through your articles. Very interesting stuff, but I’m a bit confused by the two different types of ‘double bollinger bands (DBB)’ trading approaches. كريس & # 8217؛ strategy in a nutshell: “The strong candlestick pattern with a strong Bollinger Band breakout have to be formed on an “exhausted” market, not on a too strong trending market.” On the other hand, the DBB strategy that Kamel recommends ‘trend continuation’ setups (my interpretation). I don’t see how to combine these two different approaches to trading (‘trend continuation’ versus ‘Breakout/trend reversal’). شكرا مقدما.
How do I set up the alerts indicator? I have downloaded and installed both indicators but I can’t find how to set the alerts. It’s not available in my indicators section. Someone please help .. if you know how to set the arts up please email me at [email protected] … Thank you very much for everything!
veryyyyy great artical Chris or Kamel, god bless u.
can i ask u one thing chris if i take 2 positions when DBB system crate signal. these 2 positions have same stop loss set on third candlestick. low or high price one position target and stop loss is same and second position close when strong reversal setup forms, i want ask u then i will in profit if i trade like this ? and sir my english is not good so plz sorry sir and thanks.
Do you always set a market order when an eligible candle closes, or is a pending order an equally plausible entry? If so, would a pending order have to be cancelled if not triggered within one bar?
I don’t set pending orders.
> If so, would a pending order have to be cancelled if not triggered within one bar?
هذا يعتمد. Sometimes a bar is too small and doesn’t touch the pending order. So you will have to give more time to the market to hit the order.
Thanks Chris! One followup question, is there a particular reason you don’t use pending orders? Did you test this, or is it more a style-of-trading thing? Thanks, and happy trading.
It is more a style. I prefer to see the market first and then take my position.
In yr DBB strategy, while entry is purely based on BB1, what is the role played by BB2.
Thanks for yr time.
My brother uses the DBB system and seems to like it. Great explanation brother thanks!
Thank you Kemal for the article. Although I have read before, still this is invaluable article to remind me.
I wanted to find out if you use DBB as well?
I don’t use that system.
is there any indicator to support this methode, i found unsual in EUR USD, here i send the screenshot, if we found like that what should we do to anticipate it ?
the candle shows sell trade based on DBB strategy, but in reality its turn to BUY trade.
Hi, I am new here (September, 2017) and I’m already addicted the articles on here.
I like that you guys are simple and realistic. I look forward to many more great articles.
What is a double Bollinger Bands® strategy?
A double Bollinger Bands strategy is primarily used as a tool to take advantage of sideways markets. Sideways markets are challenging for traders who tend to do better in trending markets, where traders are simply rewarded for being on the right side of the trend. In these environments, traders are better off buying breakouts or selling breakdowns and holding until the trend is violated.
Most trading strategies are optimized for these markets. In contrast, a double Bollinger Bands strategy is ideal for sideways markets in which breakouts and breakdowns are prone to reversal. In sideways markets, timing is more important and traders need to have more modest profit targets. Short-term traders who are aware of the market environment tend to do well in this environment. These markets can be frustrating for traders who are using strategies designed for trending markets. Bollinger Bands are a lower and upper bound derived from a simple moving average based on a specific standard deviation.
Bollinger Band Spreads.
The double Bollinger Bands strategy is constructed by overlaying a Bollinger Band on the chart with a setting at the 20-day moving average with a standard deviation of 1. Another Bollinger Band over the same time period is overlaid with a standard deviation of 2. This basically creates a spread between the bands, creating stop losses and profit targets for the trader.
Traders use the spread between the standard deviations as entry and exit points. A cross above the first standard deviation is a buy signal with a profit target at the second standard deviation. The first standard deviation becomes the stop-loss point. A cross below the first standard deviation is a short signal with the profit target at the lower band of the standard deviation. Again, a break back above the first standard deviation stops out the trade.
How to Increase Double Bollinger Bands Trading System Success Rate.
On October 25th last year (2018), a trading system named Double Bollinger Bands or DBB was introduced by Kamel (read this). This trading system is so popular and is used by so many traders on a daily basis.
The most important feature of this trading system is that it is mechanical. It means it doesn’t need any analysis and interpretation. To have a long trade setup, all you need is that the last closed candlestick to be closed above BB1 Upper Band while the previous two candlesticks should have been closed below it. To go short, the last closed candlestick had to be closed below BB1 Lower Band while the previous two candlesticks should have been closed above it.
As you see this system is 100% mechanical, and even a 7 years old kid can distinguish the trade setups.
Like all the other trading systems, this trading system causes you to lose money sometimes. In spite of this, experience shows that it has a good success rate and if you follow its rules properly, you will usually have some profit left at the end of the month. When this trading system was shared on LuckScout, some LuckScout users back-tested it. The results were really impressive, meaning that a trader can rely on this system, specially if he has started trading recently and have not become experienced enough in technical analysis and candlesticks patterns.
Since October 25th last year that I have been reading and answering your comments about this system, I have found out that there are a few things that you can do to increase your success rate in trading the DBB system. Although this system is supposed to be 100% mechanical, but your success rate will dramatically go up if you consider a few small technical and non-technical factors:
إرسال البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك لتلقي الكتاب الاليكتروني لدينا مجانا.
هذا الكتاب الإلكتروني يظهر لك أقصر الطرق للحصول على الأغنياء وخالية من الناحية المالية:
1. Learn the System Rules Properly:
As far as I know, many of you still don’t know how this trading system works and how long and short trade setups form. Many a times I hear that some of you lose money after taking a position based on DBB system, but when I check I see that no trade setup was formed at all. This is because these traders still don’t know what the DBB system trading rules are and how the DBB trade setups form.
So, if you like to follow this system, the first and most important thing you have to do is that you make sure that you have understood the rules properly and precisely and you are able to distinguish the setups, otherwise you will enter the market when there is no setup at all.
I am not going to explain this system’s rules here in this post, because it is already explained in details in some other articles. Please refer to those articles and read them carefully: Double Bollinger Bands Strategy To Trade Forex.
2. Bollinger Middle Band’s Role:
Bollinger Middle Band usually works as a strong support/resistance in short/long positions. It means if you go long (you buy) while the price is still below Bollinger Middle Band, chance are it makes the price bounce down and hit your stop loss. It is the same when you go short.
This rule is true in all different trading system.
In DBB system, a trade setup forms when Bollinger Middle Band is already broken. I mean when candlestick #3 closes above BB1 Upper Band to form a long trade setup, either this candlestick or one of the previous ones has already closed above Bollinger Middle Band. So we don’t have to be worried about the price to be stopped from going up by this moving average (Bollinger Middle Band is a 20 Simple Moving Average).
However, there is another thing that we have to care about. It is the position of candlestick #1 and #2 with Bollinger Middle Band. Experience shows that in long trade setups that candlesticks #1 and #2 are closed above Bollinger Middle Band, price goes up better, and so these trade setups have a higher success rate. This is true that in order to have a long trade setup, candlesticks #1 and #2 have to be closed below BB1 Upper Band and candlestick #3 has to be closed above it. However, the trade setup works better and makes the price go up stronger if candlesticks #1 and #2 close above Bollinger Middle Band and below BB1 Upper Band (they close between Bollinger Middle Band and BB1 Upper Band).
Also, the closer the candlesticks #1 and #2 close prices to BB1 Upper Band, the stronger is the trade setup. It means it is better the candlesticks #1 and #2 close prices not to be too far from BB1 Upper Band.
Sometimes, candlesticks #1 and #2 close as bearish candlesticks either below Bollinger Middle Band or a little above it. Or one of them closes below Bollinger Middle Band and the other one above it. And suddenly candlestick #3 goes up and closes above BB1 Upper Band, and so a long trade setup forms. This cannot be a strong long trade setup, because when the last 3 candlesticks close like this, it means the market is choppy and unstable. It means bulls have not taken the full control yet, and so it is possible that the next candlestick goes down and hits the stop loss.
On the below screenshot I am showing you two long trade setups that are formed under the conditions I explained above (specially the left one). As you see in the left trade setup, candlesticks #1 and #2 are closed above Bollinger Middle Band (the dashed line) and so close to BB1 Upper Band. This is the example of a good and typical long trade setup.
The second one (the one at right) is also good. The problem is that candlestick #1 is bearish. In spite of this, its lower shadow reflects the bullish pressure which is good. It is still a good long trade setup, but the left one is much better.
Whenever you locate a long trade setup, compare it to the left trade setup on the below screenshot and take it if they look similar.
Here is what I call a bad long trade setup (below). It is still a trade setup, but it is not a good one. Candlesticks #1 and #2 are closed almost below Bollinger Middle Band which means bears are still strong. As you see, the price doesn’t go up strongly when candlestick #3 closes. It goes up only for 2 small candlesticks and then it goes down strongly.
The other thing is that candlestick #3 closed not only above BB1 but also above BB2 Upper Band. It means this candlestick made the market a little overbought and so a bearish counter-attack was possible:
Here is two other bad long trade setups. Now you know why they are “bad”:
It is the same with short trade setups. It is better to have candlesticks #1 and #2 formed below Bollinger Middle Band and above BB1 Lower Band when a short position forms. Also the closer the candlesticks #1 and #2 close prices to the BB1 Lower Band, the stronger the setup.
Everything I explained about long trade setups has to be considered for short trade setups too. Just the direction is opposite.
Here is a good and typical short trade setup. As you see, candlesticks #1 and #2 closed above BB1 Lower Band. Their close prices are close to BB1 Lower Band and far away from Bollinger Middle Band.
The below screenshot shows two bad short trade setups. With the first one at the left, candlestick #1 is closed with a long lower shadow above Bollinger Middle Band. It means bulls still have the control. With the second trade setup (right), candlesticks #1 and #2 are both bullish which is not good for a short trade setup:
Here is another bad short trade setup (below). Candlesticks #1 and #2 are closed right below Bollinger Middle Band. Besides, one of them is bearish and the other one bullish. They have long lower shadows too. These are all the signals indicating the bulls strength:
3. Follow the Trend:
Going against strong trends has a higher risk, even when the trade setup is too strong. It is recommended to avoid the DBB trade setups when they are against the trends. Conversely, agreeable trade setups usually have much better results:
4. Learn Technical Analysis If You Can:
Technical analysis always help you take the setups with more confidence. A DBB short trade setup formed after a support breakout, or a support breakout formed after a DBB short trade setup are much better to take, both for DBB and breakout traders:
Although DBB is a mechanical system that doesn’t need any analysis and interpretation, it would be great if you learn some analysis and use it in trading this system. At least, you can consider the three candlesticks close prices with more caution, and differentiate the good and bad setups from each other. It helps you have a much higher success rate.
Above all, before taking any positions based on any trading system, you’d better to learn the system properly first.
تاريخ لدينا 23،000+ المتابعين الموالين الآن وتلقي لدينا الكتاب الإلكتروني مجانا!
+ انقر هنا لمعرفة من نحن ولماذا تم إنشاء هذا الموقع.
You are indeed an instructor. You are carrying us on your wings like the mother eagle. Checking on us every now and then to see how we are progressing and also straightening us.
Right comment on Chris. I want to join with you.
After fighting for 4 years on war, I’ve learn a little that “waiting is the main weapon to win the riot.”
When I decided ” It is the best opportunity.” But NO, I was wrong, the super best opportunity come just a lot of moment later.
Now I’ve found a real learning opportunity from Chris that how to wait for the final opportunity.
unstoppable thanks for Chris for his unparallel article.
ممتاز & # 8211؛ thanks very much.
Boy I needed this article so badly. Great article once again and helps to give a better idea of how to utilise the double Bollinger band strategy. شكرا لكم!
even if DBB is supposed to be mechanical, your examples and comparisons in this article are great in helping us understand the difference between setups.
Pointing out the not typical setups is very good for educational purposes!
Thank you for writing this article and please keep on giving us many examples and showing us also the bad setups and what not to do!
Hi Chris, thank you for these very clearly described DBB fine tuning techniques. Regarding the long DBB trade that you thought most promising (July 26-28, 2018), the daily movements are quite close together up to and including the buy point (#3). What is the best way to identify the more risky and less risky stop loss positions? Say, 10 pips below the lowest point of the #1 candlestick?
Thanks a lot Chris.
it is very good you talk more about DBB system frequently. it help us to be more familiar with this system. thanks a lot for your effort and helps.
in usd/jpy screenshot left set up based on DBB system, you told it is better than the right one. but after some moving up, the price went down and the stop loss will hit. if it is true , what is your reason that the left set up is better than the right one.
thanks for your explanation.
1. We don’t know what will happen after a setup forms. All we can do is that we take the best setups. Although the left setup went down, but majority of the setups that have the same condition work much better. Almost like the AUD/CAD setup (here).
2. I think the first would hit the stop loss at breakeven. So it couldn’t cause any loss.
I sent you the 5th version of LuckScout indicator.
I added this article points to indicator for calculating DDB setups.
Please check it.
I have a question too. can we consider Trend direction to choose better ddb setups?
I just replied your email. Please check and let me know.
شكرا على ذلك. It definitely clears up why people are getting stopped out on this system. I think in previous articles the significance of the middle bollinger band wasn’t explained properly but this had made the system more crystal clear.
I didn’t use it before because it didn’t look that reliable to me but now I can see the strong setups would be far more successful.
Since you introduced this system of trading, I have been using it and have been successful with it. The last trade I had on EURJPY fetched me about 450pips. I will continue to follow this system and try to learn the technical analysis, and as you taught us, I like keeping it simple.
Thank you so much for the good work you are doing out here. اقدر هذا فعلا.
Good for you Toboi. مسرور لسماع ذلك.
Many thanks to you for devoting some time to teach LuckScout followers even in the weekend.
Very sound advice!!
Thank you Chris, as always!
Thanks for another great article 🙂
I would like to ask, there is a short trade setup formed on the very first picture (where are the good long trade setups shown). The candlestick #1 is exactly on the 15th July 2018 and #3 is that long bearish candlestick. Would you consider this setup as a short trade setup that time? إذا لم يكن كذلك، لماذا؟
Thank you for the answer.
Yes, it is a short setup, but it is not a good and typical one.
I would say short trade can’t be consider as good setup because 1and 2 CS closed to close BMB and 3 is to long so market is oversold.
Thank You, Chris!
شكرا لك كريس. This helped enourmously!
Thank you for everything you do here.
My hope is you could more describe exit strategies, especially around real life examples like you and Kamel did on Gbp/chf. I go out early or late and I do not really have a good feeling what to look at (like with entry, where I feel more confident due to your many advises).
One thing I am struggling with is how to work with 3xSL or even 5xSL profit target. Very often I get new signals (or so I think) far before I get there, especially if I take the safe SL.
There is some error type in article: “More About Double Bollinger Bands Trading Strategy”. in the last text end line i think the sentences should be fix as below:
“Candlestick #1 closed right on BB1 upper band, and candlestick #2 closed below it. Candlestick #3 ….
Thank you Behnam. أنت محق.
Please fix the error type in article:
“When a DBB Trade Setup Is Supported by another Agreeable Trade Setup”
In the end line of GBP/CAD, the Candlestick #3……. Should be Candlestick #1 ….
of course this is not a typical short trade set up in DBB system. so, this DBB Trade Setup Is not Supported by another Agreeable Trade Setup. did i understand correctly?
This one is correct. It says that candlestick #3 did not form a DBB short setup which is correct.
So we have no trade setup here.
Hi Chris, your sharing must be appreciated! I notice that you are a commercial member on factory. Does it mean that you have to pay for posting on FF? It is also noticeable that this site contains pure knowledge, no selling or anything relevant with generating money through website. That is, FF should not charge you anything! So I am kind of curious about what kind of business you are engaging with FF. If you are a mutual fund manager, do you accept clients, like me, through web?
We don’t pay them any money. إنه مجاني. The only thing is that commercial members are allowed to post on “Commercial Content” forum only. We are just a commercial member and have no other relationship with FF.
I regret to say that I am against managing the investors’ الأموال. You can see my reasons here:
Thanks for the wonderful sharing of knowledge and many I as I can see from the posts are counting their lucky stars for stumbling upon your website. You’re great and I wish u well.
Thank you too Lorima.
Many many thanks to you Sir Chris and Kamel you made our trdaing more easier, simpler and profitable!
Yes first of all, I Was confused about using DBB but now I again try to learn properly, I think DBB work 50 percent and candlestick pattern work 50 percent, then both can give us 100 percent result .
you have a lot of strategy here, that’s helping me so much.
but between bollinger band and dbb, which one is the best?
I prefer the analytical system which is candlesticks patterns combined with Bollinger Bands breakout.
It depends more on what kind of trader you are. Are you willing to wait purely on strong setup for bollinger bands with candlesticks? If you have missed previous 100 setups, you might need to wait weeks or even months for the next. Like I waited almost 2 months until the recent gbp/chf 100 setup but the market now goes against the setup.
Is it not recommended to trade with DBB strategy on ranging market?
Sometimes a setup causes the range to be broken. Sometimes a market ranges for a long time, and trade setups return weak results. When the market is ranging we’d better to move the stop loss to breakeven sooner when the position goes to profit.
Your trading teaching methodology is simply extraordinary. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us!
Hello Chris i have to say just two words about you and your website, you are the bestesttttttt helper motivator you don’t how much prayers wo do when you give us such time and articles i love your site i love your strategies you are the best best nothing else i am a new trader and you motivated me.
Based on DBB system, there could possibly be a long set up for AUDCAD (if next day’s candle closes above DBB1 +1 S. D) and a long setup for EURAUD (if next day’s candle closes above DBB1 +1 S. D).
However, if one were to trade both positions, it would be as good as long EURCAD which is as well waiting for confirmation for a too strong SHORT set up.
How then should we approach this?
In the chart in section 3 (“follow the trend”), how would you interpret the setup with candle #3 just before 13 December? Is the #1 candle problematic? Does it close too close to the middle band? Is the fact that it opens below the middle band a problem?
It is not a bad setup. Candlesticks #1 and #2 are both bullish and #2 is closed in a good place. It is a good setup indeed.
#1 opened below BMB, but it is good that it closed above it and #2 did a good job that covered #1 weakness.
The last picture in the article is supposed to show an example of TA and DBB supporting each other, but isn’t in this case the SL hit by the “#4” candle? And there are no other opportunities for entry for a long time after that, so most of the trend is unfortunately missed. Is there any way to avoid this?
It would hit the stop loss if the stop loss was set at the middle of candlestick #1, but it would not if stop loss was set above the high price of candlestick #1.
I see, but why would you set SL above the high of candle #1? I thought the rule was to put it at the high price of candle #3. Although i can see how that is a problem if candle #3 is very small (SL would be too tight). Does that mean we have some freedom in placing the SL? I did read in the original article that SL can be made smaller if candle #3 is very large. So is the opposite true as well?
There is no special rule to set the stop loss and target orders. We set them where experience tells us that it is a good place. Above the high price of candlestick that forms the signal is the best place.
“There is no special rule to set the stop loss and target orders.”
That statement seems to contradict the whole idea of a mechanical system, which should be entirely based on rules. Just to be clear, i was referring to the DBB system and as far as i’ve understood, the SL for shorts goes at the high of candle #3, which would have been stopped out in this case (last picture in the article).
I’m planning to learn your own system as well, but for now i’m focusing on the DBB system.
There is no special technical and scientific rule for stop loss. We just decided to place it where it looks better according to our experiences. Of course there is one general rule that says the stop loss has to be placed at the level that it gets hit only when we have chosen a completely wrong direction for our position.
Yesterday I analysed a whole bunch of charts of the past two years after reading the first article on DBB. After the analysis, I came to the conclusion that (almost always) the 2xSL as TP would have worked (with SL being low/high of the #3), but in a few cases only 1xSL would have yieled success…I drew up some vague ideas for myself of when only 1xSL can be hoped for (in most cases that would still be a nice bit of profit) and then saw this article which largely confirms those ideas! The trades described here as “bad trade setups” are similar to those I identified as “only” 1xSL candidates and the reasons for them being bad match my suspicions. This gives me a little bit more confidence that I am starting to understand the system properly! Thanks a lot for all you guys do here to help us novices and especially for your focus on keeping things simple – there is no lack of resources on the Internet if one wants to dive into the full complicatedness of it all, but LuckScout is unparalleled in keeping it simple and easy to understand!
What you’ve noticed so far, are the setup are stronger when the 3 candles are bullish for a long and bearish for a short or doesn’t matter.
شكرا جزيلا.
As always…. This article is an awesome addition to the previous DBB article’s….You’re the best!
Thank you for all you do & most of all….for believing in all of us…:)
just read the latest lesson trying to understand and interpret correctly hoping to be able to use it to advantage. i will read it again and again until it makes sense and not give up. i use cm and mt4 for demo trades still making losing trades reviewing my trades to identify strong setups. any suggestions to help me improve will be appreciated. ليون.
Hi Chris, how can I do if I want to trade DBB and your main system together? So, since I cannot use the double bands for your system, can I check out is there is a strong reversal pattern first, and if I don’t find any, add the double bands and check out if there is some trade setup? So that I can follow reversal and continuation signals at the same time? Thanks in advance for your help.
You can have each system on two different profiles on MT4 and load each profile whenever you want to locate a setup through each system. These two systems have nothing to do with each other. So you have to trade them completely independent from each other.
It all seems so clear now. شكرا كريس. You keep us from making the same mistakes time and again. مقدر جدا. شكرا لكم.
What do you think of using HeikenAshi candles for this strategy, or does it give too many false readings?
I have not used it with Heiken-Ashi. Back-testing can answer your question.
Great steategy… شكرا جزيلا!
Great strategy… Thank you very much!
very informative article.
I am currently testing DBB.. One doubt, is it ok setting 1:2? Or could I go for 1:3 ?
Should we advance our SL to break even once the position reached x1 SL in our favor?
Thank you Chris, and Kamel.
There is no precise answer to these questions. DBB is a mechanical system and a trade setup can be the beginning of a small movement or a strong trend.
Will have to make my own deductions then, depending on the setup! Thank you for your answer Chris.
just read this article again about dbb and drew a diagram to better understand what you are teaching. drawing the simple diagram gives a better picture of what you are explaining. this might help some of the other novices who have trouble understanding the verbal demo and makes your explanation much more effective. أتمنى أن يساعدك هذا. ليون.
Hi Len: Can you share this DBB diagram with us?
as you mentioned in previous posts that only bollinger middle band which is twenty works. you mean only this single or to compare it with other higher period moving average? ample 40 … 50 ,?
Yes, it is in comparison to the other MAs. Market reacts to 20sma more than the other moving averages.
my previous comment was unclear my question is about moving avergae.
I found many of my answers about DBB strategy in this article. I am truly amazed like other members with the way you explain everything. Using the same old basics you always teach us like Bullish or bearish pressure, considering the trend, and technical analysis in DBB, makes this strategy a real respectful one.
Can the double Bollinger bands strategy be used on the weekly and monthly charts?
Sorry to give a differing opinion from the cult like replies here, from people who have had one trade go their way, BUT from my back testing this system will lose you money.
Initially you said that this is a mechanical system. Trade it mechanically and you will lose money. If such a system were possible the banks would just set up computers to trade your system mechanically, investing billions of dollars into it. There would be no reason to raise money with loans anymore.
This of course is ridiculous and so is your claim that this is a mechanical PROFITABLE system.
You have an audience of newbies that believe anything. Your claim that you can increase profits by only taking certain trades, also does not make the system any more profitable. Even the guy that supposedly discovered this golden goose is no where to be seen anymore. Very dodgy!
This system is a dud and will lose you money. AVOID!
هذا صحيح. This system cannot be profitable all the time. I personally don’t trade these kinds of mechanical systems. However, it is introduced here just because many traders like to know about this so called double BB system. We never said that it is 100% profitable and we never guaranteed anything about it.
I have recently come back to this system and found it provides excellent entries. There are many ways to increase the profitability of the system, mostly technical facts that can be added together to create a scoring probability system.
Obviously, this isnt 100% and not all of it can be mechanical (yet) but there are many rules that increase the chances of the trade working out.
Personally, I have found the third candle does not need to open above the bollinger middle, and I consider this optional. in fact, there are many successful trades which start with a strong 3rd candle breaking above the middle band, then the second holding between middle and BB1 upper, then the current candle breaking BB1 upper but not BB2 upper.
Also, the momentum of the bollinger must be taken into consideration, if the bollinger middle band is trending down, taking a long trade against this causes problems, not always but often enough that I score this negatively.
Also, if the active height (distance between low of candle 3 and close of current candle) is much less than the recent active height (last X candles), this is also negative.
Also, I score the current Monthly, weekly and daily trends with 2 points each, plus an additional point if all 3 are in agreement. Giving 7 points. If the trade is not in agreement with this direction, it is ignored.
If both candles 3 and 2 are bullish then a bearish current candle is not a valid signal and is ignored. (and vice versa)
If the bollinger is squeezing, the setup is ignored.
When you add all of these facts together, a decent probability can be made and using good analysis. The trades can be taken with some confidence.
P. s. It is amazing that no one has noticed yet that, the second BB with deviation of 2 is not needed. As such this is not a double BB strategy at all. Just goes to show how switched on the people in the forum are!
Many traders have noticed that and are using the Dev(1) indicator only.
The reason of having the regular BB is for following the maximum deviation from the middle band, to have a better idea about take profit orders.
Actually, I often add a 1.5 deviation as well. If a successful trade starts to reverse and closes beneath this then I take an early exit.
31st October 2018.
Thanks for a very revealing and educative article of trading.
After studying your article I want to apply the information to start a DEMO account.
I looked at the various pairs on today’s daily chart and spotted that the most likely pair that may meet the specifications that you had mentioned is USD /CAD pair.
Can I start a trade on the USD /CAD pair on Monday 2nd November 2018 morning with the following parameters.
Opening trade 1.30700 / Stop loss 1.30950 ( -25 ) and take profit 1.30200 ( + 50) The present closing level on chart is 1.30752.
This is my first attempt at using your simple trading method.
Sorry for such a small query.
This would help me to upgrade by confidence level.
Looking forward to your advise.
Was this based on DBB system?
Chris, I’m a novice trader and still not skilled at finding the best trade set ups using your strategy. I’m starting to become discouraged. I do well with the DBB Strategy but there haven’t been many DBB set ups lately. Do you think a trader could be very profitable just sticking to DBB strategy only, should i focus on just mastering the DBB strategy?
I often read the article on Edwards success but even after reading Kamel’s articles, I don’t fully understand Kamel’s strategy. I like that he takes morevtradevset ups on average than you, I don’t’ have the patience you have and I feel alone and lost but I know that trading is the answer to financial freedom and so I won’t give up.
DBB is a mechanical system. It doesn’t make you a trader. You can follow it along with a technical like candlesticks and BB.
Thanks a lot for all the team who are working on this web.
LuckScout is the bible of. It’s like a university.
The best part, you share this knowledge for free.
I am new to and in the span of 3 weeks, I learned so much.
I learned currency pairs, pip size computation, money management, simple trading systems, etc.
I already have my demo account at $500.
Next goal is to consistently grow it for 6 months using all the trading system from LuckScout.
When I become a full time investor 2 years from now, I want to give back to the LuckScout community!
Chris, you are heaven sent!
Rey from Philippines.
It’s 4 am here when the daily candlestick closes in NY.
So I’m a brand new trader still trading paper money. In reading about the DBB strategy I decided to combine with the Ichimoku Cloud trading strategy that I learned. Basically I apply the DBB rules but only take long trades above the Ichimoku cloud and short trades below. I set my stop loss at the close of a non-doji candlestick going in the opposite direction. I back tested this strategy for only the past three months and the results seem pretty good. In reading the articles on DBB it was mentioned that the backtesting that others had conducted produced impressive results. My question is whether my backtesting seems to be in line with what other traders have come up with? أخبرونى من فضلكم.
Here’s what my results yielded:
PIP Profit/Loss by month (cumulative results for all pairs):
Number of trades:
May I know the setting of BB1 and BB2?
Please check this:
I have read all your posts on this DBB strategy and found it to be very interesting. I am very new to and wonder how do you determine when to take a long or short position, to prevent trading in a counter-direction.
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